Need some help.
I just bought my driverack pa and I have a few questions that I can't find the answers to.
1) I am using Yorkville Elite 1000's for my mid highs (2 x 15's and a horn) & Yorkville Elite SW800 (single 18\") bass bins. I have the Yorkville processor designed specificaly for this cabinet, that functions as a crossover and eq's the cab. Am I best to use my yorkville processor as the crossover and the driverack pa as the auto eq, can I use the Yorkville processor in full range (no crossover) to get the cabinet tuning benefits and then use the driverack pa as the crossover and auto eq?
2) None of my Yorkville Elite speakers, or Audiopro 3400 power amps are listed in the driverack pa and I have not been able to find out anything other than the crossover point of the Elite 1000's is 90hz. Anyone know the best way to set these speakers up in the driverack?
1) I am using Yorkville Elite 1000's for my mid highs (2 x 15's and a horn) & Yorkville Elite SW800 (single 18\") bass bins. I have the Yorkville processor designed specificaly for this cabinet, that functions as a crossover and eq's the cab. Am I best to use my yorkville processor as the crossover and the driverack pa as the auto eq, can I use the Yorkville processor in full range (no crossover) to get the cabinet tuning benefits and then use the driverack pa as the crossover and auto eq?
2) None of my Yorkville Elite speakers, or Audiopro 3400 power amps are listed in the driverack pa and I have not been able to find out anything other than the crossover point of the Elite 1000's is 90hz. Anyone know the best way to set these speakers up in the driverack?
I have SW800's myself. Want to sell?
I checked the P1000 processor curve and the tops are pretty flat as is, with a bump about 125hz. All the newer processors add a vocal presence peak at about 1.6K (+2-3 db Q of about 1.2 or slightly larger) for their \"live\" setting.
Try these setting out. Delay the tops the fulls 10 ms.
X-over: Low
47.5 hz BW 18
100 hz LR 24 (90hz alternate)
X-over: High
106 hz LR 24 (95hz alternate)
PEQ High: Hz / Db / Q
F1) 125 / +2 / 1.22
PEQ Low: Hz / Db / Q
F1) 47.5 / +4 / 2.03
F2) 60 / +2 / 5.71
Thanks for the great information. No I am not Bi-Amping the tops, Although I may be able to. This is the second set of Yorkville Elite 1000's I have owned and this set has dual speakon connections, as opposed to just the xlr and 1/4" jacks. I will have to look more closely when I pull them out of the trailer this weekend. I read something recently that talked about bi-amping with different pin setups on speakon connections.
So with those settings I should be able to just use the driverack and not use the Yorkville processor at all?
When you read through the RMF section, you'll see that you should not rely on the Auto EQ for indoor use (except as layed out).
PS - I guess that you don't want to sell.
Hahaha. I should be asking you the same question. I couldn't be happier with the sw800's.
I was testing the auto eq last night with my Elite 600's just stacked on top if each other and the results were pretty good. Sure tightened up the sound. I bought my Driverack pa used and it came with the behringer microphone. I would like to step up to the better mics and see what the results would be.
Where are you located?
Let us know how things work out.
Well yeah never know. If the price was right. I had heard it would be around $300 to ship these, not really sure though.
How are things is Alabama? I never took the opportunity to drive to Alabama when I was living in Nashville, but a good friend of mine has a house on some fancy beach in Alabama.
Your friend must be down at Gulf Shores (locally referred to as \"The Redneck Riviera\" on the gulf.
Are those possibly the Elite 215's? If they are the Elite's they will undoubtedly be bi-ampable... the Elite processor should have all the crossover points (good starting points) on the top. The 215's have a 1000 hz xover point and most likely the BMD 750 driver, Mine have the 3\" voice coil RCF 15's and are pretty amazing sounding (not as good as the ones I build, but hey, I got the pair of 2204's for $1000 about 8 years ago... ) I use an RMX 2450 bridged for each top and a Carver PM 1000 (450 watts @ 8 ohms stereo) I use an RMX 4050 with either 8 single 18 manifolds, or 4 labsubs. Very excellant ! Bi-amp the tops and they really come alive!
These are the 1000's, but someone converted these to dual speakon connections. How can I tell if it is Bi-ampable? I will read the plate closer tomorrow night when I get them out of the trailer.
Dra, that is exactly where he is. Looks pretty incredible from the pictures I saw.
I will keep the bins in mind for sure. Right now my singles 18's are working great for my needs. Never hurts to have the extra's for bigger outdoor shows.
Okay I am putting these settings into my driverack and I have a few questions. So on the PEQ high do I chose flatten or restore? I am going to guess flatten. Then do I chose LHSHLF, Lshelf, Hshelf or Bell? F1) I put the 125hz - G= +2db - then there is no Q on F1) it has S which is currently set at 4.5. F2) does have a Q.
The same thing on PEQ Low as far as the flatten, or Restore and the shelf's. F2 does not have a Q, but has S which is sitting at 4.5
In the PEQ screen on the bottom row (working from memory here, so be patient and you may have to poke around a bit) scroll through the filter type (Hi shelf, Lo shelf, Bell, etc) and select Bell (or Hi shelf) for the hi outputs.
Let me clarify. Hi outputs have 3 filters. Mids & Lows have 2 each. Selecting Bell for each output assisn all filters as a \"bell\" shape which use \"Q\" to define the width of the bell shape (boost or cut). Selecting Hi Shelf assigns 1 filter to act as a shelf, with \"S\" being the steepness of the slope and the remaining filters will be bell. HI/Lo Shelf... yada yada. Lo Shelf... yada yada. For example if you select a Hi/Lo Shelf on either the Mid or Low outputs you will have use the only 2 filters and there will be no bell filter available. Play around a bit and you'll see what they do.
Al the filters I listed are \"Bells\", but since I only used of them and IF you want to curb the enter response above 8khz, you could and a shelf to do that (if Hi Shelf was selected). On the other hand if you do an outdoor \"flattening session\" you may find an dip or hump that you want to get rid of and the 3rd \"Bell\" would come in handy.
I keep hearing this auto eq feature is not to great, which is the main reason I bought this unit. I tried it out on my home pa and I was pretty happy with the results. What can I expect out in the field with this feature? I will still run my dual 31 band eq off my master insert. Also how well does the anti feedback feature work?
AFS does work well, search those posts as well.