Gain structure set up question
I am using a powered Yamaha EMX5000/20 board and have my DRPA inserted between the mixer out and the amp in. I am running a simple 2x2 setup with Yamaha 115vclub full range cabs for my mains with flat crossovers. My question is, with my board and amp being a matched set (because it is a powered board), I don't think I have an amplifier attenuator to make adjustments as described in your instruction for setting the gain structure. I can control the pink noise input gain with the individual channel input gain knob, but I don't have an amplifier gain control, only my master fader. This has me confused as how to set my gain structure.
I was going over and over the gain setting instructions and thinking, \"What the hell are they talking about\", when it dawned on me that my monitor amp (EP2500) has gain adjustments on it but the only gain adjustments for the powered board were on each channel.
Ok, back to making progress......learning more and more each day with the help of this forum!