Question about AFS using the DRPA & cowboy hat feedback
I just got my DRPA and I am slowly using more of the features. Thanks to those who helped me with my initial setup for my Yorkville rig. We are having a hell of a time with my monitor feeding back. We just starting using a dedicated monitor mixer, as well as running a 31 band eq on my monitor and we are still fighting the feedback. We have it mostly under control, but last night it was starting to oscilate again with a few squeels getting loose. Here are some details;
I am 6'2, wear a cowboy hat on stage
Using an SM58, or an EV767a
Using a Yamaha moniter (12\" & Horn)
We rang out the monitors and have almost all of the bands on the 31 band eq from 1k right to 10k damn near right off. The eq settings on the monitor mixer are flat with the mids turned down a little. Would using the AFS on the driverack help out at all? I haven't used that feature yet and don't quite know how to set it up yet.
I am 6'2, wear a cowboy hat on stage
Using an SM58, or an EV767a
Using a Yamaha moniter (12\" & Horn)
We rang out the monitors and have almost all of the bands on the 31 band eq from 1k right to 10k damn near right off. The eq settings on the monitor mixer are flat with the mids turned down a little. Would using the AFS on the driverack help out at all? I haven't used that feature yet and don't quite know how to set it up yet.
Cowboy hats... yikes.
Where is the monitor in relationship to you and the mic?
I will give using the dbx on the monitors to get a graph idea. I am thinking of getting another DBXPA for the monitors, but we use two different sets of monitors, but all the same mics. So I am not sure what that would be like. Would it have any other beneficial use other than the AFS on the monitors?
28 band GEQ
3 band PEQ (for a flat baseline)
HPF (eliminating everything below 100hz or so will open up the vocals quite a bit)
See how much more you can get out of the monitor with your test before you procede with buying another.
If you want to buy another
why not buy a 260 and put the DRPA on monitors and the 260 on FOH
just my 2 cents worth
If your budget allows $600ish the 260 is well worth it (and more). That's only about $200ish more than a DRPA.
I just had a thought :shock:. Can signal lines be be combined? Of course they can. All the time. Stereo to mono, etc.
Can we....?
Take a DRPA, used for monitors or full-rangle cabs. Set all the x-over filters to the same HPF. \"Tri-Y\" LH, LM, LL outputs together and now have 7 functioning PEQs in one combined output.
Is that the same thing a running EQ's (parallel or series) to double the boost / cut potential?
Am I just tired and incoherent?
I'm not sure what the loading (impedance) would do to the signal, but parallel processing should offer the benefits of the individual channels.
A bit too left field for me Dra
Not sure what it would achieve , in sound quality
Didn't we discuss feed back in another thread some time ago
This is not the tread but does talk about feedback ... c&start=15
We talked about glasses causing feedback
(not getting too old yet)
I just did a thread on this very subject and with the 260 I got 121.7 db monitors (granted they are bi-amped) and I was able to point the mic into the horn a foot away and not a sound! no cowboy hat could stand up to that kind of sound! (might blow it off though...
Here is the thread.. pictures to follow soon..
The only thing that tilting would accomplish is IF the singer was JUST on the outside of the horn pattern ... then he would be out of it...not a solution...NOTE the cheaper the monitor, the less care was taken with the horn pattern, the more artifacts there will be.. also the cheaper the crossover, the more interaction in the crossover region... GOOD monitors DON\"T feed back till they are STUPID loud.. but, they cost BIG money! I just did that 121.7 DB with an old 25 watt stereo amp on the horn...(*grantedI had good power in the woofer and quality components... but hey, it's do-able...
Technically, tilting the monitor forward would make the sound hit you in the knee. But semantics... Either tilt it (whatever direction) or move it away so that it has the best flat path to your ears.