Setup Jbl Soundpower with driverack Pa
Have no experience - can someone help me, please?
Settings for driverack PA - Crossover, Limiter, EQ.....?
Soundpower 4756A:
2x 2404H 4Ohm/80W recomm.Crossover 3kHZ or higher
1x 2445J 16Ohm/150W recomm.Crossover 500Hz or higher
2x 2206H 4Ohm/1200W highest Crossover 1500Hz
2404H---Crown XLS 402D
2445J---Crown CE 2000
2206H--Crown CE 4000
regards and Thx
Settings for driverack PA - Crossover, Limiter, EQ.....?
Soundpower 4756A:
2x 2404H 4Ohm/80W recomm.Crossover 3kHZ or higher
1x 2445J 16Ohm/150W recomm.Crossover 500Hz or higher
2x 2206H 4Ohm/1200W highest Crossover 1500Hz
2404H---Crown XLS 402D
2445J---Crown CE 2000
2206H--Crown CE 4000
regards and Thx
it is a 3 Way, with bass-reflection. I will use two 2x 12\" (2206H) subs, 600W/8Ohm (one on each side).
Music will be house, techno (DJ)
PS Maybe this will also help :-)
Looks like you have 2 baby butt tweeters? 1 midrange ..2445j attached to what horn? 2480a? because I cannot find any info on that horn...we need that for the cutoff frequency of the horn..and a pair of 12\" JBL woofers?
I'm not sure the 2 'butts' would play nice with each other? what is the orientation?
No subs? for Techno? hmmm I don't understand this either..these are not efficient in the low end...How big a space.. portable.. club?
Ok, I think I might be starting to get it now.. the document is miss-leading.. shows a 2 way design but there is the outline of the 'butts' between the woofers? In a vertical orientation (the only one I could see working BTW...) Hmmm..
This is a pretty outdated piece you do realize that? So again I'm having to probe for info that should have been provided there 2 of these and those three amps? one speaker per channel? or do you have 2 sets of amps and run things bridged? It's all relevant for the proper crossover settings. In the READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING it clearly states that all system info is necessary...or you won't get help... no details are to small..that way we can eliminate what we don't need instead of having to scrounge for info.. like in this case....It is our policy here to help LEAD you to the answers, we prefer NOT to just throw out answers that mean nothing to you...This Driverack is a piece of equipment with a huge toolbox and a steep learning curve. Once you have mastered the interface (have you) so that you can navigate the interface you can then start to make the system work. One problem here is your trying to do one of the toughest things to do ...Tri amp a speaker with little or no knowledge of the process. I hope you can understand my frustration here...did you read any of the FAQ's? The welcome start here?
Here's the basics.. I have to ASSUME things here...
1. 2X6 (ASSUMES that you have 2 speakers, and three amps listed)
2....I don't believe for a second that those can do do 42 hz @ 3db down.. maybe in JBL's distorted idea of things.. in the real world.. no way.. I'm betting 60...If you try that techno and push the low end you'll have problems.. to that end, I'd HPF the 12's @ no lower than 50 hz BW 18
3. LPF for the 12 LR24 @ 1000hz
4. HPF for the horn will be 1000 hz as well, but a few hz spread could help with interference in the crossover region.
5. LPF for the horn will be 3500hz LR24
6. HPF for the 'butts' will be 3500 hz LR24 (you have no LPF on the hi outs so they will go to -out- meaning whatever the tweeters will do.
Theses are not hard fast numbers but starting points... with a speaker this old there is little info available any more, at least that I can find.
Now you need to go to the READ ME....section and do the gain structure system setup...stuff and balance the components. Do you have the the measurement mic? It will simplify the setup...
That's all I have time for now...perhaps now you see why an answer hasn't been forthcoming?
sorry for the lack of information, but the Pa is growing.....and you are right, I havn´t got much experience with a bi-amped 3way systhem.
So I can tell you only this following last setup:
Here it is:(one side) other side the same -Stereo!
High,Mid,Low Speaker
Contious W Speaker
Amp, Stereo/Bridge -W Sinus
Crown XLS
M--1x2445J with 2380A-- 150W/16Ohm----Crown CE 2000- Stereo-200W/16Ohm
Crown CE 4000-Stereo- 1200W/4Ohm
Sub only one Jbl Triple Camber Bass (TCB) Jbl 4788A for that sub I used a DBX 223XL
600W/8Ohm---Crown CL4---Stereo-600/Ohm
Room: It was in Vienna, in a old house(18th century) in the 5th floor 50x10m open space, 3m high, with some pillars.
No, I have no RTA -Mic and yes this are old items I think end 90ies, but they have a nice sound and I like that old stuff!
So I hope it will be all information you need.
Sub Datasheet:[url][/url]
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