dbx 223 xl...please help!!
Hello to all those who know a heck of alot more then I do. I cant seem to figure out how to, and the correct way to wire this up. I have read the forums, read the manual, and searched for wiring exmaples/diagrhams on the net...no luck.
I have a Mackie FR 2500 that I wanna use to power my tops a set of
peavey 215's
Also a Mackie FR 1400 that i wanna use bridged to run two peavey 118
By the way Im using a Behringer PMP 3000 board.
I cant seem to figure out how to wire the 223xl to the two amps.
Does anybody have any sort of examples or diagrhams?
thanks in advance
I have a Mackie FR 2500 that I wanna use to power my tops a set of
peavey 215's
Also a Mackie FR 1400 that i wanna use bridged to run two peavey 118
By the way Im using a Behringer PMP 3000 board.
I cant seem to figure out how to wire the 223xl to the two amps.
Does anybody have any sort of examples or diagrhams?
thanks in advance
1. Left top out of left hi out
2. mono sum button pushed in...
3. mono sub output from sub out channel 1. On the The FRZ on the back.. switch the amp to the bridged mode and plug the cable from the channel 1 lo out to channel 1/A and turn channel 2/B down all the way. BOTH 1X10X switches up in 1X
4. Hook the Right top to the channel 2 hi out
5.On channel one pressin the 40 hz hipass
6.Set the Lo/hi xover point 1/2 way between 70 and 140 hz (about 10-105 hz)(duplicate this on channel 2 now)
7. Start with the lo gain @-0-
8. Start with the hi gain about 1/2 way between -0- and -10 db
9. Set the MONO?STEREO switch in stereo
10. Start with both input gains @ -0-
11. Duplicate the channel 1 hi out.. the lo out on channel 2 is not used
12.ALL inverse switches disengaged (light out)
13. Go the the READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING section and find the GAIN STRUCTURE under START HERE
14. If you cannot get the volume (I assume the FR amp will need to be cranked) balanced with the amp controls use the ones on the xover.. but you shouldn't need to...then on the LO/SUB channel only, press the INVERSE switch and see which way it sounds best.. in/out should have better bass...
Keep me informed