Building a DJ rig
I am building a DJ rig and want to make sure that the DRPA is the right tool for the job.
I will have dual 2-way cabs on each side for my tops (BFM DIY speakers OT12's)
4-subs (BFM T30 subs)
here is the site if anyone is interested
Is the DRPA the best candidate for this application or would I be better off using a different DBX component?
I will have dual 2-way cabs on each side for my tops (BFM DIY speakers OT12's)
4-subs (BFM T30 subs)
here is the site if anyone is interested
Is the DRPA the best candidate for this application or would I be better off using a different DBX component?
The 260 is a far better piece, and if you get the DRPA you should get a UPS to prevent the thump if the power goes down...
I do have a UPS
What benefits would I get fromthe 260 over the DRPA?
Well, I have both. I will only use the DRPA in a disco/type system where advanced functions are not necessary. Here is a list as best I can remember of the 260 VS DRPA.
The differences have been covered on this user group about a year or so ago. But since it's not that easy to find something ;-) Most important advantages of the 260 are:
GUI control and firmware updater
output relays (saves a lot of headaches!)
muting buttons per output channel
dual mono settings
more PEQ's
longer delay-times
full function input mixer
outputs freely configurable
much more flexible auto-eq functionality
It's really quite a difference.
Almost forgot one of the most important advantages of the 260 over the pa, at least as far as I'm concerned: full functional security! You can also freely configureany of the 6 outputs to do anything you can imagine within the confines of the units functions, and true dual mono operation which the DRPA cannot do
Where the PA only has a simple lockout (which can be by switched off by anyone who can read the online-manual), with the 260 different security levels can be assigned to any function.
Anyway, with the DRPA, the RTA (Real Time Analizer) and Auto-eq can only be used in combination with each other (within the auto-eq wizard).
The 260-user can switch on and off the pink noise on the input mixer, view the analizer with any signal (even on the computer-screen via the GUI-control) and then decide wether or not to use the auto-eq function. Much more flexibility.
So for my money(and I just purchase another one)its the 260...When you get it make sure you have version 1.01 or use the updater and load the new program before you do any of your own programing.
I will have to do some more reading and make a decision
THis will strictly be for DJing and I am not a musician so no chance of band usage.
Thanks again for your help
what does each number refer to?
2 = stereo
1 = mono
2 = full range stereo
3 = stereo hi's + mono low's
4 = stereo hi's + stereo low's
5 = stereo hi's + stereo mid's + mono low's
6 = stereo hi's + stereo mid's + stero low's
I could use some amp advice, hopefully you dont mind me asking on this forum.
I currently own a QSC 1850HD that I was going to run in bridged mode to run my subs (either 2 at a time or 4 for the bigger venues)
My tops will be the BFM OT12's mentioned above with the tweeter arrays
I need to buy a second amp and have been thinking about the QSC PLX 1804 for my tops
What do you think about this amp choice
Am I making a mistake running bridged mode on my subs?
Well that's a good amp, but how about considering a Crown xti instead. I know for about $750 you can get the Xti 4000 from Northern Sound and Light and have more power and features...for about the same price.
It's fine to run bridged with 2 but you'll need to run stereo with 4 as long as the impedance of the individual cabinets is 8 ohms each...if the are 4 ohms you will have to run stereo for 2 ohm loads...
I am leaning towards the QSC GX5
I have a question though: Can any of the features that a lot of amps have built in hinder the operation/performance of the the DRPA.
I am speaking of the cross overs, limiters, etc...
2 Channel DJ mixer to DRPA
DRPA MID Outputs QSC 1850HD to 4 BFM OT12's Full Range Cabs (2 on each channel)
DRPA LOW Outputs to QSC GX5 to 4 BFM T30 subs (2 on each channel)
Running GX5 in parallel mode
Looks like this would be 2x3 mode
Is this a reasonable way to set things up?
The OT12's will only be play mids and highs......not full range
Omnitop 12
Tuba 30 subs
I think the recomended LP filter is around 100htz
I need to find out what is recommeded for HP
I am ignorant to what slope is (still learning)
How fast you fall off a mountain is determined by the slope.
How fast frequencies fall off is determined by the slope.
The \"knee\" is the \"bend radius\" at the starting point of the slope, and is the area where the filter \"get's up to speed\".
The slope number indicates the db's per octive that are reduced. a 6db slope started at 100hz will yield:
-0db @ 100 (technically -3db because of the knee, but for this explanation forget that)
-6db @ 50hz (an octive is from any hz to double that hz, 500 - 1000, 3000 - 6000, 40 - 80, etc)
-12db @ 25hz
-18db @ 12.5hz
The letters: LR, BW, etc are the knee types and are sometimes defined as \"orders\" and decribed the number of \"layers\" the filter has to change the \"transition\" speed of the knee.
Set up an all custom 2x3 (or 2x4) in the wizard ...I'd go 35hz BW 18 HPF (minimum) with a LPF of around 120 hz LR24 Set a HPF of 120 hz on the tops...
explained nicely, thanks
You dont think the qsc 1850HD is enough to run two tops per side at 4ohms??
Thanks for the recommended setting by the way
It will have to do but consider this@ 600 watts @4 ohms(EIA) stereo that's only 300 watts per speaker...that leaves no headroom...the rule of thumb is 2-3 times the RMS rating of the drivers.. (Crown says up to 4X) Plus the lower you cross the speakers the less clarity in the lower midrange region...