Compression... ya the whole mix...101
I know I have railed against compressing the whole mix but there have been reasons.. It's a real problem if done improperly... It can squash a mix beyond recovery.. it can actually CAUSE feedback as the system looks for levels. I have been working on a scheme that will allow you to use some compression to reign in an unruly band, or even if your band is as tight as hell, will allow you to \"limit\" the mix when the owner comes over and says \"Could you bring it down a little.. there's not enough people in here yet\"
I HATE the idea of actually getting a good mix and then dummy-ing down the volume till the crowd gets there... by pulling faders down, or even the masters for that matter...I've had some of the best bands I have, and I've been able to dial the system in so that is sounds amazing.. that owner is also a 'wana be\" sound guy ( well he thought he was \"all that\" till I drug my sorry ass into his club.. now he calls me \"Han Solo\" because the system is so complex I''m the only one in the galaxy that can run it!
HE loves THE DAMN THING...) Any way..
Here's the deal, the system is tuned, in phase, the delays are properly set, the sound is seamless from side to side and front to back the system is full and clear (full..

thats an understatement... but hey.. \"Got Labsubs :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: \"
So These are 260 settings, your final settings may vary slightly...
Set the compressor to \"ON\" (I know DUH\"
Auto to \"off\"
Over easy \"2\"
(MY) threshold ended up ) -10 we'll examin this later.. it will vary...
ratio 1.9:1
gain 0.0
attack 8.7ms
hold 76 ms
release 60db/s
Now, you'll want to start your threshold (the point the compressor starts to activate, where there is no activity on the threshold meter or the GR (gain reduction) Slowly lower the threshold till you just start to see the the threshold meter start to go active, note this point... Now continue down till the GR (gain reduction starts to flicker... Note that point also... In order for the compression to be effective, but not dominating the mix you will most likely end up somewhere in this region. Now go back up to the point the threshold just starts to you listen INTENTLY..\"this WILL be subtle...\" lower the threshold one db at a time... the sound will start to become more controlled, but still dynamic.. the peaks will just become smoother.. If the owner/manager whines a bit more lower it a bit more...WARNING... when the stage sound starts to overtake the FOH (front of house mix) you are going to have to decide who is boss... you or the whiner.. because I WILL NOT let my system SUCK! If it comes down to that I will fight... But the owner was impressed... he could hear the difference (not everyone will) (I often make changes that no one hears....but that bug the crap out of me till I make them) Try this and see if it works for you.. I think I like it...
G man :!:
I HATE the idea of actually getting a good mix and then dummy-ing down the volume till the crowd gets there... by pulling faders down, or even the masters for that matter...I've had some of the best bands I have, and I've been able to dial the system in so that is sounds amazing.. that owner is also a 'wana be\" sound guy ( well he thought he was \"all that\" till I drug my sorry ass into his club.. now he calls me \"Han Solo\" because the system is so complex I''m the only one in the galaxy that can run it!

Here's the deal, the system is tuned, in phase, the delays are properly set, the sound is seamless from side to side and front to back the system is full and clear (full..

So These are 260 settings, your final settings may vary slightly...
Set the compressor to \"ON\" (I know DUH\"
Auto to \"off\"
Over easy \"2\"
(MY) threshold ended up ) -10 we'll examin this later.. it will vary...
ratio 1.9:1
gain 0.0
attack 8.7ms
hold 76 ms
release 60db/s
Now, you'll want to start your threshold (the point the compressor starts to activate, where there is no activity on the threshold meter or the GR (gain reduction) Slowly lower the threshold till you just start to see the the threshold meter start to go active, note this point... Now continue down till the GR (gain reduction starts to flicker... Note that point also... In order for the compression to be effective, but not dominating the mix you will most likely end up somewhere in this region. Now go back up to the point the threshold just starts to you listen INTENTLY..\"this WILL be subtle...\" lower the threshold one db at a time... the sound will start to become more controlled, but still dynamic.. the peaks will just become smoother.. If the owner/manager whines a bit more lower it a bit more...WARNING... when the stage sound starts to overtake the FOH (front of house mix) you are going to have to decide who is boss... you or the whiner.. because I WILL NOT let my system SUCK! If it comes down to that I will fight... But the owner was impressed... he could hear the difference (not everyone will) (I often make changes that no one hears....but that bug the crap out of me till I make them) Try this and see if it works for you.. I think I like it...
G man :!: