Is It worth it?
Hi guys,
Have a question for a problem I was asked to fix. Its a auditorium that holds about 250 people. It has fairly low ceilings, ceiling tiles. It looks like 8 inch generic speakers, through out the building in the ceiling I think there was about 10 of them. They have a Peavey Powered 8 channel mixer and a Peavey 31-band graphic EQ with FLS (Feedback Locating System). So like I said its a auditorium with a stage where lectures are given. There is microphones used in the audience as well. It is most exclusively all voice no music. Did I mention the place is a acoustical nightmare. As soon as you turn off the EQ/FLS you almost instantly get feedback with a mic on, but put music on with the EQ/FLS off it sounds great. Then turn on the EQ/FLS on the sound is very poor, but we loose any feed back. I have a 260 I was thinking I would remove the EQ/FLS in the system to see if it would fix it, and if it did suggest to them to purchase a DRPA. So you think it could help?
Have a question for a problem I was asked to fix. Its a auditorium that holds about 250 people. It has fairly low ceilings, ceiling tiles. It looks like 8 inch generic speakers, through out the building in the ceiling I think there was about 10 of them. They have a Peavey Powered 8 channel mixer and a Peavey 31-band graphic EQ with FLS (Feedback Locating System). So like I said its a auditorium with a stage where lectures are given. There is microphones used in the audience as well. It is most exclusively all voice no music. Did I mention the place is a acoustical nightmare. As soon as you turn off the EQ/FLS you almost instantly get feedback with a mic on, but put music on with the EQ/FLS off it sounds great. Then turn on the EQ/FLS on the sound is very poor, but we loose any feed back. I have a 260 I was thinking I would remove the EQ/FLS in the system to see if it would fix it, and if it did suggest to them to purchase a DRPA. So you think it could help?