Setting Delay Times
Hey Gadget -- A while back I read a post where you invert the signal (on purpose) either on the horn or a mid cab for example -- play a tone that falls within that crossover point (Ex. 1k - 2k) and sweep the delay until you notice a dip in the volume of the tone & by doing that -- helps you to \"nail\" the delay times. I did just that but I couldn't tell any difference because the DriveRack PA makes these click sounds each time you rotate the knob to a different ms. They are slight interuptions. Another question is: Since you don't want any overlap of crossover points from the mid to the high -- in order to hear this difference, wouldn't you have to purposely make them overlap? Otherwise, the tone will either be in the horn or it will be in the mids and be impossible to hear a dip in volume. Am I on track or way off?
The \"clicks\" of the DRPA don't matter in that you are comparing the tone level. Sure, it would be nice to not have to hear it , but it is what it is.
You could alternately over lap the filters (say mid to 3K and the horn to 1K), NOT reverse the wiring and go for an increase in volume. The cancelling method I would thick would be more precise.
Hope this helped.