sample rate
I am feeding my 4800 with the signal from a TacT2.2xp. The TacT delivers 96Hz 24bits into the AES/EBU of the dbx, all four channels.
What are the right settings for the meny: tools > utilities > sample rate? Shall i select internal 96Hz or AES/EBU channel 1/2?
Shall I select sample rate conversion \"on\" or \"off\"?
What difference does it make? The help menu is a little short on this point! :?
I am feeding my 4800 with the signal from a TacT2.2xp. The TacT delivers 96Hz 24bits into the AES/EBU of the dbx, all four channels.
What are the right settings for the meny: tools > utilities > sample rate? Shall i select internal 96Hz or AES/EBU channel 1/2?
Shall I select sample rate conversion \"on\" or \"off\"?
What difference does it make? The help menu is a little short on this point! :?
All of your digital equipment has an internal word clock and you will have to decide which piece will will be the word clock master and then sinc the other pieces to it. By selecting \"internal 96Hz\" you will be selecting the 4800 as the word clock master and will have to sinc your other digital pieces to it. By selecting \"AES/EBU 1/2\" you will not only be selecting the TacT2.2 as master but sinc-ing the 4800 to it at the same time.