setup with THE BOX PA302A full range and LD 15 Active Sub
Could someone please tell me which equivalent speaker selections I can make in the setup procedure,
so that I can use the Auto Eq Wizard with RTA microphone
My High Range speakers are:-
\"THE BOX PA302A\"
Active 2 way full range electronic compensation speaker
300W (bass) + 100W (Treb)
Freq. Resp. (-3db) 50Hz - 18KHz
Freq. Resp. (-10db) 40Hz - 18KHz
My Subs are:-
LD Systems 15\" Active Moulded Subwoofer
400 W RMS amplifier
125 dB max. SPL
33 Hz to 100 Hz
so that I can use the Auto Eq Wizard with RTA microphone
My High Range speakers are:-
\"THE BOX PA302A\"
Active 2 way full range electronic compensation speaker
300W (bass) + 100W (Treb)
Freq. Resp. (-3db) 50Hz - 18KHz
Freq. Resp. (-10db) 40Hz - 18KHz
My Subs are:-
LD Systems 15\" Active Moulded Subwoofer
400 W RMS amplifier
125 dB max. SPL
33 Hz to 100 Hz
therefore the subs now become
SAMSON DB 1500 A, active 15\" Subwoofer with a Heavy Duty Chassis, 500 Watt RMS (1000 Watt peak), 30-300Hz +/-3dB, interal crossover, variable frequency (30-200Hz)
I hope i have supplied sufficient info, I am new here, and this DBX DriveRack PA is very new to me. Have recieved it this week, today is the 1st time i was able to attempt setting it up.
wondering if part of the issue is that I only had the full-range speakers connected
As not every speaker is programmed into DRPA, you can customize your DRPA to your liking.
By starting out pressing WIZARD you will come to the DRPA Wizard system setup. Next, you will see SYSTEM SETUP. Press NEXT PAGE. From this portion of the menu, it will ask you if you wish to have a mono or stereo system. Choose your option by turning the data wheel left or right. Then, press NEXT PAGE. The next menu will ask which type of GRAPHIC EQ (GEQ) you would like. Using the wheel again, make your selection, then press NEXT PAGE.
The next steps deal with choosing what tops and bottoms you will be using. Utilizing the data wheel, turn your wheel (and keeeeeeeeeep going) until you reach CUSTOM PASSIVE with the next click of the wheel being CUSTOM BI-AMP. Choose which manner of amping you will be using for your tops. Press NEXT PAGE. Then, choose how your subs will be fed.
You will keep repeating the steps from herein using the NEXT PAGE and data wheel to make your choices. Be sure to read your manual as the information I have provided will get you started.
Don't blow anything up.
I have tried a number of things, though at no time did i try PASSIVE, i did somehow try BI-AMPED. I indeed am reading the distructions that came with the product.
I am driving ACTIVE on both mains and subs, with my mains being bi-amped - you suggest i choose PASSIVE BI-AMPED, will try this.
the first time i tried pinking, it went through the motions and the speakers fired out the pink noise. but finally returned the message \"NOT DONE\"
Admittedly this was before i tried doing any \"setup\". I then tried \"setting up the system\", and when it came to speaker sellection, i did use \"custom\"
but after this it asks you which speakers the custom is \"the same as\".
Right here is where the wheels fall off... for i know not what to sellect for speakers and for amps.
several times I have tried finding the specs on-line, of the speakers listed in the manual, and gave up several times.
when i first read the manual, i had hoped that the specs of the sellectables would be displayed so that i could find best match to model the custom values on -- no such luck
anyway, since the first time i tried the setup - which included selecting 'NONE' for subs, i have not been able to generate pink noise
as i can dial for 'performance level' at my leaisure - and never 'reach' it.
the dial stops at +20 db - so i know i am doing something wrong. I also realise i need a pilots liscence to fly this animal.
Any suggestions would be appreciated (except one that tells me to pack it in the box it cam in and return it to seller --- as i am too dumb to use it)
Set up the x-over at 125hz with a LR24 on each filter. The sub claims -3db at 20hz. Doubt it. Set the hi-pass fillter on the sub (DRPA output) at 50 hz BW18. Turn the filter on the sub to 200hz (all the way up). This essentially turns it off.
Remember, when you select unlinked stereo, or dual mono, everything needs to be done twice...If you auto EQ.. the RTA wants to do the other channel...There is one other thing that will cause this \"not done\" message.. that is if more than 4 bands of the GEQ are fully cut or boosted.
realised there is an option 3 (and 4 - 5- 6- 7- 8)
1 -- 3 way
2 -- 2 way
3 --- FULL RANGE whoooop
pinkied it in our little practice room and all done
and sound systems sounds sooo goood
runing the mixer out to a Lexicon MX300 then out to the dbx
into just the \"The Box\" 400w fullrange for now
cant wait till the Sampsons get here to hear all this properly
and this time in a 1/2 decent sized room
the real fulfill ment will be 13th Dec when we gig in a large hall
this time i will be able to fill it with pure sound
sooo cool
thanks all for the replies
i'll figure all this rocket science out eventualy
am from south Africa
umm not sure where the 20hz comes in???
i pasted the stats that said 30-300hz
SAMSON DB 1500 A, active 15" Subwoofer with a Heavy Duty Chassis, 500 Watt RMS (1000 Watt peak), 30-300Hz +/-3dB, interal crossover, variable frequency (30-200Hz), bal. XLR in/out, 35mm pole mount, wheels on the rear, 508mm x 610mm x 578mm (H x B x T), 32,25 Kg
It's called \"creative advertising\" in the business. It's an old trick and it's a bunch of CRAP...There isn't any regulation of the industry AND worse yet, no penalty for not being truthful in advertising... THAT spec.. 30hz - whatever -3db down is a TOTAL fabrication...I would BET that it's 3db down @ 50 hz... and more like 30 db down @ 30 hz...They provide NO chart of frequency response on the site to corroborate the \"specs\". The reason I said the 20 hz is...Dra wrote and I thought he looked up the specs...but the fact is.. if they claim 30 hz @ 3db down then 20 some hz must be within the 10db down spec...
I have Lab subs, that are INCREDIBLE... and they are -3db @ 30 hz half space, and they are 4 feet X 4 feet by 24 inches and the sound has to travel 10.5 FEET to get out of the speakers...(folded horn subs)
So front loaded, stamped basket, 1000watt POWERED sub for under $600 US...30 hz...I don't think so...
From the spec sheet.
eitherway, they are a huge improvement on what i had
20+ year old 100W Fane speakers
being driven by an 80W PA system
with no extras
just spent over 3000 pound on new equipment
so for me things are awesome
G... dunno why i thought you were local when i replied with my location
giving just the Town
I am in the UK
Hey Malc.. in one thread you say: and in the latest :
Now If I'm not totally mistaken.... I thought UK was England.....? That's quite a spread... Me.. as my profile states, Snowy, cold Northern Minnesota... Good Ole screwed up US of A... where our women are getting out the hassocks, and were reading the turbans...
As for the subs, I wasn't trying to belittle what you have, just stating the facts...Interestingly enough, I built some cabs with FANE colossus drivers and they really kick ass...Look fairly similar to your new ones, which don't look bad...
Ok G lets clear up the misunderstanding
I am FROM South Africa (I aint no Brit)
but i now I LIVE in England
(does 10 years here make me a Brit???... ugh)
Town in England = Didcot - where i reside, but not where i am from
Dra -- i didn't take any offence, I know perfectly well what you meant
sales pitches and all from them ..itches
will make any product seem more than it is
No I suppose not.. your not an Englander till you think you are...How come your there if you don't like it?
Ah but Dra you see if you had dug a little deeper YOU would not be the one with egg on face
PS - I like eggs. 8) 8)
Married a brit
but it's ok here --- after 10 years you kinda get used to it
but it is not HOME
but sigh -- home is kinda wrecked in a big way
I could write loads here, or direct you to my wife's website
or you could simply google "EngelseBoer"
suffice it to say were are far safer here, and that is 1 thing i have certainly come to apreciate about the UK