234XL Crossover Setup
I just purchased:
1 - 2215 Dual 15-Band Graphic Equalizer
1 - 234XL Stereo 2-Way Mono 3-Way Crossover
2 - CVA-28 Cerwin Vega Powered Tops
1 - AB-36C Folded Horn Sub
I am running my balanced mixer out to the EQ, Balanced EQ out to the Crossover, but that is where I am getting stuck. How do I connect my tops, and also connect my Sub.
1 - 2215 Dual 15-Band Graphic Equalizer
1 - 234XL Stereo 2-Way Mono 3-Way Crossover
2 - CVA-28 Cerwin Vega Powered Tops
1 - AB-36C Folded Horn Sub
I am running my balanced mixer out to the EQ, Balanced EQ out to the Crossover, but that is where I am getting stuck. How do I connect my tops, and also connect my Sub.
Read the READ ME FIRST SECTION for some great info.
Are you looking for hookup help, or what buttons and knobs to set where?
I haven't got a lot of time right now, but check this thread for parallels...
http://www.dbxpro.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... highlight=
I've connected all my equipment using this two topics:
http://www.dbxpro.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... hlight=234
tops - to high outs
subs - to ch2 low out
LF sum on
3 way stereo
Pleese, can you help me in setting up the front panel?
Thank you!
From mixer L into x-over input 1.
From mixer R into x-over input 2.
X-over high out 1 to top amp 1.
X-over high out 2 to top amp 2.
X-over Low / LF sum (channel 1) out to sub amp.
Back panel:
X-over (x1 / x10) freq buttons (2): out
Mode buttons for 2 way: left - in , right - out
LF sum button: in
Front panel:
Input gains (2): -0-
40hz cut: in
X-over freq (Low/Mid) (2): 90-110hz (adjust to best sound)
Low output (2): -0-
High output (2): -0- (adjust to balance sound)
Inv buttons: out