Question about phase alignment with DR 260 and Smaart
I’m currently using a Driverack PX to EQ my sound system for a 100-year old dance hall. I’ve checked the PX using a 30-day demo version of Smaart and I’m very impressed with the accuracy of the PX. Occasionally, I will DJ for Argentine Tango dances at different venues and I would like to get the best sound possible at each location. I’m considering upgrading to a Driverack 260 so I can interface with the Smaart software and add delay. I would like to align the subwoofer (mono Mackie SWA1501) with the two main speakers (JBL EON15G2). Can someone walk me through the process of aligning a subwoofer using Smaart and the Driverack 260? I’ve played around with Electrovoice’s RACE software and think I understand how to align the phase lines at the crossover point. I’ve experimented with different crossover filters and delay to see how the different combinations of slope, etc. affect the phase results. I have not been able to find a procedure for phase alignment using the dbx 260 and Smaart in this forum. The Smaart manual is not very helpful on this subject. I’m guessing it would be something like capturing the phase trace for the subwoofer and then delay the phase trace for the main speaker until its phase line lines up as close as possible with the captured subwoofer phase line at the crossover point. Can anyone offer some advice?
The 260 is amazing and well worth the extra money.
Have you tried searching the former forum? There are quite a few \"techie\" posts there. Also try PSW.
Gadget here is your best bet as far as regulars.
Micheal Kovach is probably you best bet overall. Send him a PM. He doesn't come around much.
In the meantime, I never heard back from anyone on my original post. Can anyone suggest a good write-up or tutorial for aligning the phase between the subwoofer and main speakers using the DR 260 and Smaart? Some screen shots would be very helpful.
I'm sure these guys can answer your question... but be forewarned...those are shark infested waters...they do EAT careful what you ask and how you ask it...I would leave out the part about \"demo\" software...if you don't own the real deal...
The PSW is a great resource...but those guys don't have a high tolerance for newbies.. but.. it is THE best place for pro audio...