260 on wireless network
I was wondering about hooking up my 260 to a Wireless Access Point directly. I found A WAP Unit with a DB9 connector lables as console. Could I plug the 260 directly to this an have it on a wireless network?
Heres the likn to the WAP
http://www.netgear.com/Products/APsWire ... WG302.aspx
Heres the likn to the WAP
http://www.netgear.com/Products/APsWire ... WG302.aspx
Here is a post by Ed Spotto on wireless operation of a driverack
Thanks ED!
wireless control of Driveracks
The Setup consists of a linksys USBBT100 USB to bluetooth adapter for your Laptop (http://shop4.outpost.com/product/3916078) currently $39.99 and a Free2Move F2M01 Serial to Bluetooth plug (http://www.expansys-usa.com/product.asp?code=BTP_RS232)Currently $127.45.
1.)Install the adapter on your conputer.
During install the bluetooth device will add more com ports on your computer.
2.)Using the configure software from free2move set the plug to initiate communications (it comes set to be a slave) all other settings are correct from the factory.
3.)Connect the plug directly to the drive rack unit (no interface cabling required; however, the plug requires a power supply not included with the plug).
4.)The Computer will automatically recognize the plug. Select the com port the device will use. (instructions come with the USBT100) EG. Com 7
5.)start Driveware program on your computer. From the configuration menu delect the same com port as the previous section. EG. Com 7
6.)If all is well you should you be up and running!!!
I posted basic instructions. I'll be happy to address any problems that come up with your configurations. I have used this on 240 and 480 Driveracks for several weeks and it has run flawlessly. Please Post your results so we can improve the system.
good luck