DBX - Simultaneous encode / decode Type ll Nosie reduction
Hello all. This is new to me so, pardon my ignorance. I have a lot of records (LPs) and tapes I want to put onto my computer. To try to get rid of any noise, I bought this DBX unit (model 224).
Here's my question: will this unit take the noise out of my records and tapes before I put them onto the computer? Also, since I bought it at a yard sale, can I get a manual to find out how to use it best or, can I do what I usually do, mess around until I think I know what I'm doing!!!???
Thanks for the site and any help provided.
Fred ;-o)
Here's my question: will this unit take the noise out of my records and tapes before I put them onto the computer? Also, since I bought it at a yard sale, can I get a manual to find out how to use it best or, can I do what I usually do, mess around until I think I know what I'm doing!!!???
Thanks for the site and any help provided.
Fred ;-o)
http://www.dak.com/reviews/2040story.cf ... agod7nd_Cw
http://www.tracertek.com/index.php?app= ... v4wz8fqt6c
yada yada yada there are some REALLY expensive software too.. that do it all..
The problem...
loss of dynamic range...
Audio purists would think this is SACRILEGE!!! converting the flowing analog pure signal into X's and O's....sampling rate conversion! horror of horrors...
No Type II only noise reduction simply expands the signal and then crops it at the supposed signal peaks effectively leaving the hiss out of the recording...
Sorry...you have some really neat old audio history...
Hey I have a 3bx in really good condition!!! interested?
Hey Gadget....thank you for your great reply. Let me down easy huh?
I'll try those sites your suggested ....thank you.
Thanks for the offer on the 3BX but, no thanks.(haha) I like your animation of the guy / gal banging their head on the computer.
I note you are in Northern Minnesota where there is a cold spell at the moment, also home to Leo Kottke???
I'm in Nova Scotia , Canada where it is about minus 3 or 4. and going to about 6 ABOVE this week sometime. Very unusual and not good.
Once again, thank you Sir Gadget!!
Fred ;-o)
Find someone with a Sonic Solution \"No Noise\" system. Last I recall, it's a wonderful piece of hardware that does an incredible job of removing all kinds of noise from audio. I guess you can buy it if you want. My last recollection of it was when I was pricing mastering systems. It used to be around $20K.
Rotsa ruck!