Just purchased the DBXPA, floor model (Nothing included), I have read thru the other posts and feel just as dumb as before. Where the heck is the \"Read me first\" post.
Any how I have a gig this weekend and simply dont have the time to just sit and play with my system. I'm sure I will regret it, I just upgraded almost all my gear and not real sure how things will go. To be clear I am not a sound engineer just a DJ with friends in a band and helping them getting started with my gear.
This is what I now have:
4 JBL MRX425 running with 2 PV2600's for now
2 JBL SRX728 running with 2 Crown XLS5000's (bridged)
Behringer Xenyx 2442 mixer
DBX 166XL Gate
Rane AC22 x-over
Furman ST231 EQ, (moving this to monitor rack, I think)
I also have other equipment if you guys think I should change anything, PV900, PV1500 I will probably use this for monitors, QSC RMX1450, and Tapco J-1400, 4 Yamaha S118IV, 4 JBL JRX125 and 2 B52 LX-18AV2.
So I guess my question for you profesionals is without spend 6 more hours reading thru these posts, how should I set up the DBXPA to get the best sound or what should I change. Now I know I will need to play around for each gig, I just will not have time this go-round and dont have any idea how to use the DBXPA. I dont have the mic yet either, do I really need it?
Any how I have a gig this weekend and simply dont have the time to just sit and play with my system. I'm sure I will regret it, I just upgraded almost all my gear and not real sure how things will go. To be clear I am not a sound engineer just a DJ with friends in a band and helping them getting started with my gear.
This is what I now have:
4 JBL MRX425 running with 2 PV2600's for now
2 JBL SRX728 running with 2 Crown XLS5000's (bridged)
Behringer Xenyx 2442 mixer
DBX 166XL Gate
Rane AC22 x-over
Furman ST231 EQ, (moving this to monitor rack, I think)
I also have other equipment if you guys think I should change anything, PV900, PV1500 I will probably use this for monitors, QSC RMX1450, and Tapco J-1400, 4 Yamaha S118IV, 4 JBL JRX125 and 2 B52 LX-18AV2.
So I guess my question for you profesionals is without spend 6 more hours reading thru these posts, how should I set up the DBXPA to get the best sound or what should I change. Now I know I will need to play around for each gig, I just will not have time this go-round and dont have any idea how to use the DBXPA. I dont have the mic yet either, do I really need it?
My suggestion
Don't use it
Use your Rane AC 22 (What you are use to operating)
Untill you have the time to put in to understanding the DRPA and reading the \"Read me first\" posts you will only give yourself grief.
Play with it, get use to it, then put it into service
\"Read me first\" is on
just above the welcome and start here posts
If I hear, I forget; if I see, I remember; if I do, I will understand.
First off go here:
at the bottom of the page see Driverack PA Interactive Guide....
ftp://ftp.dbxpro.com/pub/PDFs/Manuals/E ... 790V-B.pdf
You will find the DRPA manual...
Here is my suggestion for a starting point...
728 Subs:
HPF 40hz BW18
LPF 100hz LR24 (get these as close as you can)
Can we assume :roll: that you mean MR525... since there doesn't seem to be a 425?
100HZ LR24
Set up a 2X3 or 2x4 setup using the presets where available but use all custom amps, you will do this in the wizard...
Adjust the xovers as specified...
Your STILL going to have to set the DR on the table and play with the knobs and buttons and figure out what they all do and how to navigate the menu's because am NOT going to take you button push by button push!
Go to the FAQ's
Lots of great info.. including use of the Auto EQ system...
Good luck and good reading..
However I do have one major concern.
I hooked up to a pair of my old JRX125's and and a sub. Once turned on I could only get good signal thru the right channel. I checked all my cables, changed presets, setup a custom preset, nothing I did would get the left working. Now as I was scratching my head and just looking, not touching anything, I hear a soft click and suddenly all was working.?? What gives??
It was a floor model, and I went thru several presets and even set up a new one thinking maybe something was set up to mono.. Nothing changed, it just seems odd that something would click then work, sounded like a relay and I wouldnt think there would be an actual relay in the unit, this was several minuts after last change in presets...