Total loss of sound
About 45 mins into a gig I lost all sound. Like someone pulled a cable. Still had output at the board's meters. I looked at the screen on the 260 and it was blank (all white). I killed the amps. Then powered down the 260 and right back on. Normal screen came back up and all was well the rest of the night.
Anyone ever experience this? Anyone have thoughts on what could cause this? Software? Hardware? Reset needed?
Anyone ever experience this? Anyone have thoughts on what could cause this? Software? Hardware? Reset needed?
Ooops, wait a minute. This is only the 2nd time using the 260, all other times was with a DRA (on a UPS, of coarse). So technically, I'm 1 for 2 in this room.
I just had the same thing happen to my system last night. About 45 minutes into a gig, the PA goes silent, I look at the amps to see if I had lost power and all is OK, then I go to the Driverack and the display is garbled. I shut down the amps, reset the 260 by powering it off and back on and it was fine. Voltage is not an issue as I use a Furman voltage regulator that keeps the voltage at FOH constant. That does not mean that there wasn't a hiccup in the power BUT i was using a Yamaha O1v96 and a Mac G5 computer at FOH and they never showed any problems. I may invest in a UPS in the near future. I have used this configuration at this venue every month for the last 3 years and in a bunch of other venues and I have never seen this happen before.
Were you guys using Driveware to control the 260 when it crashed? I'm just looking for something common here. What version Driveware? What version firmware?
I am at a loss for this issue.. not in the last 7 years have I had any issues like this posted here...My own experience with 2 DR260's and near constant 5 day a week beatings in smoke filled bars and hot outdoor concerts have never elicited this phenomenon.. I am wondering if perhaps voltage glitches have caused software glitches that are reset when the power is cycled????
I have invited Mike from Tech services to visit this thread, and offer thoughts...
I have to wonder if instantaneous spike peaks or voltage drops might not confuse the converters? Or perhaps the root program?
I doubt a voltage regulator or voltage clamping device without makeup a UPS could catch, and condition all the possible voltage tags that could happen...My father worked in power generation, and my brother works in distribution and grid systems and I have to tell you solar storms, terrestrial storms and the like present quite a challenge to the power generation industry, especially in distribution and regulation...
To add to the settings in which it was used, I use the software to set it up at each gig, but after I get it where I want it, I close the software. I have a graphic EQ in line that I use to correct for feedback (if needed). I will leave it hooked up to the computer com port, however. I mostly use the PA with a Midas Venice or a Crest XRM. This gig was only the second time I used the 01v96 with the PA. I don't see how that could be an issue though.
Just to differenciate, I did NOT have a garbled screen. Mine was completely void of any characters, just white.
I upgraded software and \"service pack\" about a year ago. 2.4?
I think I am going to bring mine in and put on the same circuit as my frig and leave it for a couple of days.
Gadget, did you ever hear from Mike?
Hi Gary,
He can try a hard reset and then reload his programs from
DriveWare. However, this sounds like it is more possibly a hardware
related issue - may possibly be a relay issue. I would recommend he get
the unit serviced if the reset doesn't solve the problem.
Best regards,
Michael Hunter
Great work by Mike and the boys in Sandy.
(This was over 2 years ago. All is still well)