Amp Sensitivity - Wizard vs My Setting
Quick question...
Is the Wizard's \"Amp Sensitivity\" setting a \"suggested setting\" or \"unless you have a better reason, use this setting\" ?
... or ... as long as the 260's amp gain setting matches the amp's gain setting, everything is fine.
Is the Wizard's \"Amp Sensitivity\" setting a \"suggested setting\" or \"unless you have a better reason, use this setting\" ?
... or ... as long as the 260's amp gain setting matches the amp's gain setting, everything is fine.
It depends on the system and how much gain you have prior to the amplifier . The level control can be thought of as an input attenuator. It does not limit the power available from the amplifier. With the level controls turned down the amplifier can still reach full rated output power, it just takes more drive level from your mixer to achieve it. Generally, you should set the mixer's individual channel fader and master gain to 0 dB, then adjust the amplifier level controls to the desired sound level.
I like to use the gain structure to set the amp levels...
The thing is, with various amps and speakers there is no telling where it will all end the best way is to do the gain structure and see where you end up (in my opinion...)
You could however use the amps sensitivity rating, here is an pretty good examination of this.. from a guy with an oddly familiar logo...
I'm figuring...
Harmon-Kardon owns DBX and Crown... so... the Wizard's Gain Setting was a \"planned\" setting for users to use on the amp and in the 260. Am I assuming too much here?
And thats the way I see it...
G 8)