Found a used DR481 for sale asking $1000
Was thinking about offering $800... Is this a good price?
After reading up it has no user interface on the front so I would have to bring a laptop along. The macbook I have I also use live with serato scratch live. Would I be able to run the DR481 software at the same time or would I be able to set levels for the DR481 and unhook the laptop for performance and hook it back up after the performance to adjust levels during other acts if needed?
Intended Use
Main Output from pioneer DJM600 dj mixer into DR481 inputs 1&2 to feed outputs 1 through 4 to supple sound to tops and subs with crossover/bandpass filters.
Booth Output from Pioneer to input 3&4 on DR481 to feed outputs 5&6 to supply sound to dj monitors
Sometimes I also need to send audio to a second room or a patio. I could use DR481 output 7&8
The only other way to do this would be with the DR4800 which is too expensive. Or I could get one DR260 for the tops, subs, and patio then use a DRPA or PX for monitor use.
After reading up it has no user interface on the front so I would have to bring a laptop along. The macbook I have I also use live with serato scratch live. Would I be able to run the DR481 software at the same time or would I be able to set levels for the DR481 and unhook the laptop for performance and hook it back up after the performance to adjust levels during other acts if needed?
Intended Use
Main Output from pioneer DJM600 dj mixer into DR481 inputs 1&2 to feed outputs 1 through 4 to supple sound to tops and subs with crossover/bandpass filters.
Booth Output from Pioneer to input 3&4 on DR481 to feed outputs 5&6 to supply sound to dj monitors
Sometimes I also need to send audio to a second room or a patio. I could use DR481 output 7&8
The only other way to do this would be with the DR4800 which is too expensive. Or I could get one DR260 for the tops, subs, and patio then use a DRPA or PX for monitor use.