DR PX & JBL EON missing factory presets?
The 3rd generation EONs have been around for a while but the PX is not available with their factory pre-sets. What can we do to get HI more joined up with respect to product launches and updates? Do I add EON 518S subs to the 515s we have now or do I wait for the PX to be updated? So far dbx have not wished to say when this will be. Result is 2 518S and a PX have yet to be ordered. Am I the only one waiting for this?

Seems you are under the impression that these presets are some magical setup that will bring audio nirvana, and that failure to have said will surely doom the user to sonic chaos...It just ain't so...
Seems you are also under the impression that like the DR 260 it is as simple as downloading the latest greatest presets, when in fact the software upgrade for the PX/PA is in fact a factory installed chip...Further, with new speakers appearing nearly daily ..and a finite storage space the addition of new would mean the deletion of others, which would you eliminate? And how many would in fact be upset by that?
Also DBX (quite magnanimously I might add) offered to upgrade all existing DRPA's to a newer chip with more storage with all the latest greatest setups, AND the old ones as well...and free of charge, all you needed to do is send it in...
Now, this much venerated preset is in fact only a blank slate bandpass filter for the top, A hipass, and lopass filter for the sub (if used) and a suggested \"starting point\" for the amp sensitivity...These are explained in detail in the FAQ section as to why we specify a certain filter type, and what the determining factors that have us specifying one crossover frequency over another.
Now, if you are speaking of more complex setups like bi-amp, or tri-amp tops... then you should really have the 260 for its much more complete feature set that makes speaker tuning much easier, and more complete, AND is upgradable via the internet when new presets become available...
By the way even JBL, a Harmon company as well, is somewhat tight lipped about it's products, and it can be like pulling teeth to get anything out of them for second party processors...They DO supply the settings form their products, but guess what...NOTHING is provided for ANY FULL RANGE SPEAKER... not even suggested top/sub crossover suggestions.. there are just too many variables
So, what is it exactly that you NEED in these presets that you cannot experiment a little and find for yourself? I know those that stop here, even though MANY are complete novices, have successfully set up there systems and are experiencing excellent results...
Sorry I was getting frustrated waiting for the mod! I'll give it a try.