Here's another one from this brain of mine.
Is this correct?
A 100hz tone is amplified to 80db @ X input level. Total output is 80db.
A 400hz tone is amplified to 80db @ Y input level. Total output is 80db.
A 1000hz tone is amplified to 80db @ Z input level. Total output is 80db.
If these 3 tones are all input at their same (X, Y, Z) levels, the output remains 80db, but the amp output power has increase. Correct? Incorrect?
Pink noise in a driverack should show equal levels at input and outputs (assuming x-over gains are equal), regardless of cross-over hz settings. Correct?
Dr. J's post got me thinking.
A 100hz tone is amplified to 80db @ X input level. Total output is 80db.
A 400hz tone is amplified to 80db @ Y input level. Total output is 80db.
A 1000hz tone is amplified to 80db @ Z input level. Total output is 80db.
If these 3 tones are all input at their same (X, Y, Z) levels, the output remains 80db, but the amp output power has increase. Correct? Incorrect?
Pink noise in a driverack should show equal levels at input and outputs (assuming x-over gains are equal), regardless of cross-over hz settings. Correct?
Dr. J's post got me thinking.
First, pink noise is equal energy per octave. That means the power density decays at 10 dB/decade.
If you have any sort of crossovers going on, you will definitely notice a difference in meters between bands. This can be verified by setting all the output gains at the same level and run pink noise through as you change the crossover frequencies.
Is your sub amp under load? Your speaker may be the culprit. Efficiencies in speakers should be compensated through output gain in the crossover.
Subs: 50hz - 100hz BW18
Mids: 106hz - 2k LR24
Highs: 2.2k - Out LR24
With that said & with the gains on the DR PA ALL set a Zero. The output meters on the Driverack are not even. The sub output levels are down by at least 10dB from the Mids & the highs. The Mids and the highs are even together sitting at +15 dBu. I know that maybe this doesn't make sense to you guys BUT I did have the Sub amp worked on and that is why I brought that up. Maybe the amp is Crap! If I had a scope put on it -- shouldn't the ouputs be even for BOTH channels? I feel that the LESS volume side holds my system back. The other side seems MUCH more powerful and FULLER BUT I have to pull it back to balance out the sound. I don't know............
I forgot, I have 2 amps that I need to sell. 475w@8 (2 ohm min) & 750w@8 (4 ohm min) Yorkville AP3000 & AP3400. Interested?
If so, and your acoustic output levels match, the sub is more efficient and does not require the output gain to match your other speakers.
Am I missing something?
BTW, change the crossover on the high end to a BW 6. Eventhough it is technically not engaged, I see the effects of phase on those output crossovers. The BW 6 will produce the least amount of phase distortion.
Subs: 50hz - 100hz BW18
Mids: 106hz - 2k LR24
Highs: 2.2k - Out LR24\"
I have seen Gadget advise on xover filters a million times and he usually suggests BW18 for the sub band high-pass and L-R 24 for the sub band low-pass (which is quite standard). Also, 50Hz seems a little high but I am not familiar with your subs.
It's hard to troubleshoot one problem without troubleshooting the other at least when it comes down to a listening test.
Kind of like trying to figure out why some speakers are working while others are not. Then you realize, after tracing cables and scratching your head for what seems like forever, strolling to mix position and remembering that you muted that set to check the other. That is an easy fix when you can see the LED. DOH! :roll:
Hi Mikey.. really good to have you and all the guys here..
There she is...
blat blat blat blat blat blaaaaa blat blat
The rear foot pegs are down. Wonder what that could mean. :roll:
Nuttin' gets past me.
This thing is MASSIVE! the front tire is almost 6\" wide
Mikey my phone went KABLOOEY. and all my numbers got lost..or I would have called you.. I've left some banter on your myspace page.. Geez kinda the \"who's who\" of Nashville... email your number and I'll call ya...
Be well my friend.
I tell ya the load was in my pants when I pulled up to pick it up tonight...this thing looks like new... in EVERY way! Made the Electra Glide sitting next to it look small
1500 per channel, semi-quad fore barrel, gold plated madwan bar, with a digital hixton wire! Chrome flugel valves and dual blinker fluid reservoirs.
!8\"er's in the front and 17's in the basement...fake tank (it's under the seat!)
Well.. I'm in love and I ain't gonna get much sleep.. but right now it's 32 degrees out and the cops are buzzin around like it's the inquisition.. :roll:
tomorrows another day!