Flattening Session
Well my flattening session the other day proved to be quite a challenge. I placed the RTA mic out from one stack about 8 feet @ the height between the horn and the mid woofer & for starters ran a pass with no PEQ on just to see what the GEQ showed. I won't bother to say what bands were boosted or cut ........well yes I will ALL of them! These speakers are not very flat at all. I kept working with the PEQ's and I just couldn't flatten it out very good. Still had several bands boosted to 3dB and ran out of PEQ's. I ignored the bands from 40hz on down. Don't know if my subs will go down to 40hz anyway (at least not for very long) and I also ignored the highest high band (16k). I'm sure these were boosted because they couldn't be found. It was hard to perform because like every other band was boosted or cut. Kind of like a wide tooth comb but every other tooth was flipped opposite of each other. After two hours of that -- I moved everything inside and tried the indoor method with just the tops. This turned out be a really cool way to do it. I got almost all of the bands flat to within 1.5 dB -- except the ones outside of the cabinets range. The area I made sure I got flat was between 170hz and 700hz. Those bands are almost all sitting at 0dB. I ran out of time but I am going to keep going with it as far as I can. The indoor method was WAY easier to do BUT why did the outdoor method prove to be so difficult? Was I too far out from the stack? How do I tune the subs into the picture? I assume they need some parametric work as well. Anyone ever try to just tune the subs outdoors / indoors?
As for the sub... with front loaded, try outdoors, 2-3 feet out...
on axis... problem is that with subs there are VERY few bands in the coverage region, and most subs have a peak in the efficiency region for that type...(50-60 hz .. 100 -110 hz for some...) but you can bet a steep falloff below 100 hz for most cheap subs...
I like to view the output in real time (260) and then set them up by ear...but that's me...