Drive Rack 260 Mono configuration.
Can anyone please walk me through the steps of configuring my drive Rack 260 to run in Mono. Or can you even do it efficiently and still use the subharmonic synth, and the anti feedback suppression?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Can anyone please walk me through the steps of configuring my drive Rack 260 to run in Mono. Or can you even do it efficiently and still use the subharmonic synth, and the anti feedback suppression?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
and view the Driverack 260 driveware tutorial...
Why the Sub harmonic synth..I don't like or need it...
See the READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING has lots of setup tips and tricks...
Tnax in advance, any advice will be greatly appreciated.
You really should go the the training module tab above and do the 260 tutorial. But, yes, you can do exactly what you seek.
I really appreciate all your help. I did the drive Rack training tutorial at the top, and learned how to navigate everything, sum inputs, route outputs, and use the utilities. I also spent some time in the \"read before posting\" and learned a lot. I wish i had opened it before posting. Hence the name right....Anyway, thanx guys.
Happy Mixing.