PRX515 with SRX718s and a CROWN XTi2000
-i feel that i'm all screwy with the settings:
500watts vs 800watts. passive vs powered.
-what are the best settings i can use for this setup (powered over passive)? what setting should I use for the high amp, being that it is powered?
the xover gains are set at a -4db or something close to it. should i set these to a higher db level? how shall i set the compression/speakeasy? eq?
i feel that since i have srx718s(passive) on the lows paired with the prx515(powered), i'm all screwy with settings. 500watts vs 800watts. passive vs powered.
driverack gods, how may i appease? please provide me with a full configuration; xover, gain, compression, limit, eq.
500watts vs 800watts. passive vs powered.
-what are the best settings i can use for this setup (powered over passive)? what setting should I use for the high amp, being that it is powered?
the xover gains are set at a -4db or something close to it. should i set these to a higher db level? how shall i set the compression/speakeasy? eq?
i feel that since i have srx718s(passive) on the lows paired with the prx515(powered), i'm all screwy with settings. 500watts vs 800watts. passive vs powered.
driverack gods, how may i appease? please provide me with a full configuration; xover, gain, compression, limit, eq.
i have a DRPA. i haven't found the settings for the active PRX515 in the wizard. do i need an upgrade in software?
also, does the wizard have the optimum settings for this setup? i have set the gains on 18db for high and low in XOVER. is this correct format? and i use the compresser screen gain as my master volume... is this also correct?
thanks for the help!
Good grief NO! that is dynamic suicide! IF and I mean IF you compress the whole mix at ALL you shouldn't even know it's happening...All the dynamics of the music will be sucked out and your dull sound will be far from live.
By 18 db you must mean a BW18 crossover slope perhaps? there IS no 18 db gain in the crossover...
Dude you need to go to the READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING section...there you will find a lot of good reading... you will find
System setup and optimization
Tips and tricks for auto EQ, feedback control and more
You will find that you don't NEED to have a preset... setup is easy, and no presets are NOT properly optimized for your speakers ...even in the DRPX...
There IS an upgrade for the DRPA ... but you have to send it in to DBX...
As for all screwy with the settings...don't worry about the power thing, go to the \"start here\" in the RMFBP and do a system setup, use 50 (about 11 o'clock position) as a starting point on the PRS Bridge the XTI and a 56 setting or about 1 o'clock...
This is all in the GUI .. you can download and set up..
LR24@81.4 hz
2 PEQ's
68.2 hz, Q 5.016, gain 2.0
41.7 hz, Q 5.016, gain 1.5
These are the settings provided by JBL...
but get that comp out of the mix! use a gain structure as per the RMFBP section...and READ READ READ!
yes. i believe there is a H/M/L gain in the crossover section. it sets the hz level then the slope(?) then the gain. is this ok to use as gains>?
also, yes. i do put the compressor on; then hit (next page) then underneath "threshold" is a "gain" that i use as a master level.
this is all wrong??? holy crap!!! should i turn the compressor off? leave the crossover gains @ 0?
where do i find this read before post?
also the pa is for live music application. no djing. although, i do that as well.
what is RMFBP?
They are located at the front page just under the navigation bar at the top...
HELL NO I wouldn't run the master compressor as the system gain control!
read my takee on it here:
Yes, but I wouldn't use them exclusively ... I would check out the efficiency factors of the various speakers, and the power available. Then if the subs are less efficient.. and the amp isn't 2-3 times the RMS value of the speakers.. add gain @ the sub xover and leave the tops @ -0-
Since you don't have ANY WHERE NEAR rated power for those subs.. I\"d be careful...and use the setup I gave you but maybe raise the HPF of the subs to 40 hz...BW18
hey thanks for the attention. god knows i need it. so a quick intro of myself: i've been djing since i was 11 and am now 27. so 16 years! just got into minimal sound tech stuff at the most, but as of recent i have evolved from djing into producing medium sized rock shows. i invested roughly 5-6 grand on a new rig. i have an old pair of yamahas powered by a qsc, as monitors. i just recently purchased the above listed with a driverack. i never purchased a sub myself, so now here i am... i am not entirely too knowledgeable but am eager to learn and pick up as much info as possible. i know for a fact that all the info is here; i just need to be patient and read thru a lot.
unfortunately, time has become my enemy! i work a 9-5 in manhattan and i'm trying to produce everything for my 1st show this friday, may 1st. so many things in the air! renting a stage, working with the venue owner, dealing with acts, promoting/advertising and dealing with the crap in the office! hahah... but you seem to have a magnanimous wealth of knowledge regarding the DRPA. i hate to seem like a leach, but would you happen to have a quick fix for my setup? some specs that will hold me over for the first show? i intend to learn my equipment thoroughly and even apply theory to optimize my rig, but now is crunch time that i don't have. i hope i don't come off on the wrong foot, but i'd appreciate all and any input you have.
you know my setup, all i ask for is whatever comes to mind:
(2) PRX515
(2) SRX718
(1) XTI2000
(1) CROWN USA 900
here is my myspace page:
My $.02
MAKE DOUBLE SURE you do a system gain structure!
Do you have the measurement mic?
That IS setup info for your system...right from JBL...can you do better.. yes! but as you said it's a starting point...The rest is all in speaker placement, and the gain structure and system optimization provided in the FAQ section.... but as Dennis said... your way over a BE friend you can call on?
Thats NOT an overly large system for even small gigs...BTW e carefull... you could blow things up if your not careful...I might suggest as I said moving the HPF on the subs to 40 hz.. BTW an XTI 4000 would be a better amp for those subs...
you're absolutley right! i am a little over extended with all of this. btw, i do have a sound guy. he's my classmate from high school, and is a sound engineer for a nickelodeon show; he's a good guy. my issue is that i want to know it for myself, being that it is all new equip. i want to be able to know if things are running are running smooth and if they are not. that's basically it.
also, gadget yes i have read it! thank you very much, but i'm still a little confused as to where the master gain is..... the board?
where I discuss the ONLY way I would even CONSIDER compressing the whole mix!
thanks again.