Full Range from one set of outputs?
I'm using a set of full range boxes with a couple 18\" subs. Right now I have the full range boxes crossed over at 100Hz. Is there a way to set Outputs 1 and 2 to be full range and Outputs 3 and 4 to be for the subs crossed over at around 100?
There are a couple of problems with doing what you're doing though. (I'll assume your wanting to utilize the low end respond of the top cabs to give a bigger sound?) Problem #1 is loss of vocal clarity because the speakers are working much harder (moving a lot more) to reproduce the lower tones. Problem #2 is phasing interaction of the top cab woofers (12s or 15s, I assume again) producing the same tones as the 18\" subs. In doing so you may actually lose low end response, or be very \"loby\" through out the room.
I'll stop guessing your set-up now, before a give any more suggestions. (RMFBP...)
Yes you can send any input to any output on the 260...set up a 2X3 (mono subs) or 2x4 in the wizard. The default mode will set the outputs 1 and 2 as the left and right High outs, and 3 and 4 as the left and right low outs...(you can change the names in the config mode as well) If your tops and subs and amps are in the menu select them or select \"custom\". This can all be done with the GUI using the \"config\" mode as well...(from the front panel as well but it's not fun!)
Then load the new program, and select the XOVER... there, set the HPF and LPF for the sub ...I recommend BW 18 for the HPF and LR24 for the LPF, as for the tops LR24 HPF and and if you even use an LPF BW, or LR 6 or so
If they were full range, you wouldn't need a sub. That's just a loose term meaning that it has SOME output in every octive of typical human hearing.
What Communoty boxes and controller?
That opinion seems to be shifting ever so slightly. The darkside is calling out to you. None of the \"regulars\" on the following PSW forum thread rule out the use of a crossover point overlap. Read the entire thread.
I asked my friend about this topic and he sent me an email that may partially support your opinion. I am going to forward it to you a bit later.