I want to Demo/Rent a pair of SRX728s
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I would like to Demo or Rent a pair of SRX728 subs for a weekend with Live Music (4 piece Rock band). I am still in my quest for UCS1 replacements.
Since your wondering; Amp Wise: I am going to use a stereo XTi6000 on these. Yes, I do have 2 XTi4000 and access to a 3rd XTi4000 if I \"need\" the extra power.
The weekend I am looking to do this is May 22nd and May 23rd.
I don't mind coming to pick them up from you the Friday morning and dropping them off mid day on Sunday. I am located in Southern MD, I don't mind driving an hour or so to pick up a pair to try out.
I am trying to find a source, if you know of any lead email me at mattviv (AT) meerkatsound (DOT) com
I would like to Demo or Rent a pair of SRX728 subs for a weekend with Live Music (4 piece Rock band). I am still in my quest for UCS1 replacements.
Since your wondering; Amp Wise: I am going to use a stereo XTi6000 on these. Yes, I do have 2 XTi4000 and access to a 3rd XTi4000 if I \"need\" the extra power.
The weekend I am looking to do this is May 22nd and May 23rd.
I don't mind coming to pick them up from you the Friday morning and dropping them off mid day on Sunday. I am located in Southern MD, I don't mind driving an hour or so to pick up a pair to try out.
I am trying to find a source, if you know of any lead email me at mattviv (AT) meerkatsound (DOT) com
I have toyed with getting UCS1's. What is your experience (since your trying to sell them)?
As for the UCS1 they are good subs... but there are limitations with the subs. 6 UCS1 can cover about 650-1000 person venue.
The reaons I am moving away from the UCS1 is that it takes 2 UCS1s to keep up with a QRx212 per side. Since I am building a decent size rig (>1200) I am looking for a 1 to 1 set-up.
My question is have you heard of the LABsubs? they are AMAZING...and they will blow those JBL pieces of crap off the planet! Yes you will have to build them... or contract someone to do so... but 6 of these babies will do INSANE things...and get you in the TRUE 30 hz and below area...
BTW...I think the Q 218 Peavey subs are every bit as good as the JBL's and 1/2 the price...
Just my nickle...worth...
I am at the limits of the UCS1, looking at the SRX728, QRX218 and TH115 subs as replacement.
As for cost wise; SRX728, QRX218 & TH115 (used) are all within $200 of each other.
Yes I have heard and worked with Labs. They are monstrous! I don't have the room to house those subs, nor the venues.
Fane DIY ~ $600 /pair
JBL 728 $1400 each