Inquiry about connections of driverack pa
Hi, Iam new here, I just want to ask for some help on how to connect our gear ...
we have:
mackie vlz14
driverack PA
carvin power amp
SPL Powered stage monitors
Generic front of house spakers passive
hope you can help me out...
we have:
mackie vlz14
driverack PA
carvin power amp
SPL Powered stage monitors
Generic front of house spakers passive
hope you can help me out...
mixer-drpa-stereo out to power amp-fh speaker
i will be inputting my powered monitors in the two of the six outputs?
will it be possible to input my FOH to the High input and the powered stage monitors to the mid input?
may i ask how could i have full control of each?
will it be possible also if i just connect my powered monitors to the control room input of my mackie vlz14 instead?
Set up a dual mono.
2 x 4 x-over.
Set high filter to the -3db point of speakers BW18
Set low filters to the -3db point of monitors BW18 and 16K (or so, or out) LR24
Mono house mix into Left In DRPA.
DRPA Left High out to FOH.
Mono monitor mix into Right In DRPA.
DRPA Right Low out to monitor.
Jump mon to mon.
This gives you a 28 band GEQ (each) for FOH & monitors.
Gain control for each in the x-over section.
3 PEQs for FOH and 2 for Monitors.
Limiters for each.
AFS is common.
If you wanted, you could have 2 PEQs for each moniter, by setting up a 2x6. Folow the same pattern as above, but put 1 monitor on Right Mid out. Still share the GEQ though.
thank you so much for the info
mono mix to left drpa
then drpa left high out to power amp
powered monitors into right drpa
then drpa right low out into my powered monitors again?
will it be possible to input my powered monitors to the control room input of my mixer? or are there any simplier options to connect?
my apologies because this is the first time i will be doing this...
will it be possible if I connect my powered monitors to the aux send of my mixer?
however, my question is , the manual of my mixer says that i connect my powered monitors to AUX1 only, and it is only a TRS input... how can i deal with this?
thanks again
yes it would be great to run my powered monitors thru the DRPA....
right now it is running from the mixer's aux1 send only...
my setup right nw is like this:
mixer-into DRPA-power amp
aux1 send to the monitors
im just confused with the procedure on how to run my powered monitors thru the DRPA? and what are the connectors needed again?
i would love to have it running thru the DRPA to maximize the sound
So the path is...
Mixer main out (if you had a mono out all the better but either left or right out would work as long as the PAN controls on all the channels remain centered...) to DRPA left input...
Mixer aux 1 send converted from 1/4\" TRS to XLR M
DRPA left HI out to carvin power amp > generic FOH spkrs
DRPA right mid out > powered monitors
You can...
Auto EQ each separately
PEQ each separately
GEQ each separately
You cannot separately:
use anything after the GEQ and before the Crossover...they are tied together.
Set up a band pass filter for each output... (simply pull down the HPF of the two outputs to a suitable frequency.. without exact model and make an accurate hipass is not possible...
thank you so much for this!
would apply this set up after our worship service today
just want to clear out...I will put the mixer aux1 send converted trs to xlr thru the DRPA's right input?
then i will put the DRPA left HI out into the Left in of carvin power amp?
many thanks
Mixer Left Master out - DRPA left in - DRPA Left high out - Carvin Amp left AND right in.
I am assuming you are using both sides of the amp for your FOH speakers. If there is a switch on the back of the amp that will engage \"Parallel\" mode, you can then connect to \"left input\" only and signal will be routed to the right input internally.
If this is a DRPA 2X4 configuration, the DR monitor output will be \"DRPA Right low out\" because \"right mid\" will not be available.
thanks so much
will try it out