DriveRackPA SP5 Speaker Setup
i am looking to purchase a DriveRackPA for the following config:
Mackie Cfx16 in a stereo config for a Acoustic/Country Rock band with 5 Vocals mics, 2 instrument mic's and 3 Instrument DI's
FOH Amp is a Crown XLS202d > Peavey SP5's (full range, no Biamping)
Monitor Amp is a ART SLA1 > Peavey 12m's
my plan is to use the DriveRack PA only on the FOH Mains and just run the monitor mix straight to my ART SLA1
1) how do I setup the DriveRackPA for the SP5's since they are not listed ? Do I use the \"Custom\" setting or use one of the other Peavey Speaker selections ? If i use the \"Custom\" do i need to set anything else ?
2) Do I set the Program List to \"Full Range\" and connect the Crown to the High outputs ?
3) Is their a way to control the stereo PV12M Monitors with the DriveRackPA along with the Mains
any help would be appreciated...thanks
Mackie Cfx16 in a stereo config for a Acoustic/Country Rock band with 5 Vocals mics, 2 instrument mic's and 3 Instrument DI's
FOH Amp is a Crown XLS202d > Peavey SP5's (full range, no Biamping)
Monitor Amp is a ART SLA1 > Peavey 12m's
my plan is to use the DriveRack PA only on the FOH Mains and just run the monitor mix straight to my ART SLA1
1) how do I setup the DriveRackPA for the SP5's since they are not listed ? Do I use the \"Custom\" setting or use one of the other Peavey Speaker selections ? If i use the \"Custom\" do i need to set anything else ?
2) Do I set the Program List to \"Full Range\" and connect the Crown to the High outputs ?
3) Is their a way to control the stereo PV12M Monitors with the DriveRackPA along with the Mains
any help would be appreciated...thanks
1) Yes, go all custom.
2) Custom passive without subs.
3) See below from a previous post.
Set up a dual mono.
2 x 4 x-over.
Set high filter to the -3db point of speakers BW18
Set low filters to the -3db point of monitors BW18 and 16K (or so, or out) LR24
Mono house mix into Left In DRPA.
DRPA Left High out to FOH.
Mono monitor mix into Right In DRPA.
DRPA Right Low out to monitor.
Jump mon to mon.
This gives you a 28 band GEQ (each) for FOH & monitors.
Gain control for each in the x-over section.
3 PEQs for FOH and 2 for Monitors.
Limiters for each.
AFS is common.
If you wanted, you could have 2 PEQs for each moniter, by setting up a 2x6. Folow the same pattern as above, but put 1 monitor on Right Mid out. Still share the GEQ though.
A 260 will do exactly what you want withoput jumping through hoops.
As far as item #3, not sure that would work. I use a Stereo Monitor mix out of the mixer (Aux1/Aux2) and go to the ART SLA1 amp then to the monitor speakers. It seems like i would need 4 inputs to accomplish item #3. So it would be a 4X4 config (L/R Main in and L/R Monitor in plus 4 outputs)
As far as the SP5 preset... doesn't matter one bit UNLESS you intend to biamp... THEN a preset might be nice...Otherwise it's just a fullrange speaker...with a Hipass and that's it!...
I think we will go with the new PA+ on just the FOH SP5's
From what I've seen the DRPA+ is moving into the DRPA price slot and the DRPA is dropping down $100 or so (maybe the same as the PX, but without the free mic).
Gadget, is that right?
I look for a new 260 as well...sometime in the future.. right now the DRPA plus in pre production.. last I was told
I think that's a wise decision.. however a few more bucks gets you the 260.. which is monstrously powerful ... by comparison...
1) Is the RTAM just used for setting the 28band EQ and for Feedback Filters ?
2) when running the RTA wizard, should all the mics be unmuted and the Mains and Monitors on and everything at their proper levels?
3) If your playing outdoors and you use the same PA setup (mic placement, monitors and speakers) Would you still need to run the RTA setup wizard for every outdoor venue ?
4) if playing regular gig at a indoor venue and you setup the same way everytime (Monitors and Mains are fixed and belong to the venue) then i assume you would only need to run the RTA wizard once and save that venue's setting in the DRPA+
Thanks for everyones help
2. No, that is a function of the FBX (feedback control) the Auto EQ is a system setup tool...the DRPA+ ignores the inputs when in the Auto EQ function is being done...but yes, when performing the FBX setup you want the mics, and monitors all up and at show ready status...
3. No, unless something changes...Remember that an empty room and or outdoor venue will be affected by the sound completely differently when filled with water bags... temperature, and humidity, and wind will all play a factor in the systems performance as well...but performing a \"jet engine takeoff\" volume sound test with a full venue is NOT advised...However the pro's make adjustment on the fly as the events and conditions change.. this is more difficult for novices and requires either the Driverack @ front of house (FOH) or an outboard GEQ or PEQ for the changes...
4. True, but again, remember that the room WILL change with people in it, the affects of humidity and temperature are in play here as well...Remember also that mic placement will affect the Auto EQ outcome, and a sampling of multiple locations that are then averaged would be best...Also know that a system that is tuned flat BEFORE you reach a given venue is essential because then you have something to compare the Auto EQ data to... any and all fully boosted or cut frequencies are suspect and should be dealt with by ear.. Remember also that indoors standing waves will cobble most of the low frequencies away, and so anything below 150 hz is suspect...Also the higher the frequencies the more that will reflect off surfaces and so cancellations for sounds that arrive 1/4 wavelength out of phase will cancel.. and that means the measurement mic WILL NOT HEAR THEM, and will try to FIND them with boosted gain...anything above then 700hz is susceptible to these limitations...I am told the DRPA + is less susceptible to these kinds of issues and that again any room will sound better with it's use... I still recommend that the measurement mic be placed close to a boundary whenever possible to limit the potential for reflected cancellation...that means something similar to the \"new indoor method\" when not possible, an equidistant centered approach is favored by DBX (I believe)
Ain't this FUN! At least with the DRPA + the process is supposed to take under 20 seconds, and I am told that no matter WHERE you place the mic it will sound better than it did before the Auto EQ process...
i have another dumb question.
Would anybody buy the DRPA+ and not purchase/use the RTAM ?
If so what features would they get out of the DRPA+?
or would they just have to program everything manualy ?
BTW check my previous post again.. I was adding stuff for a while after I posted it...
Well I am planning to use only 1 pair of Full Range speakers that are NOT biampable. So i dont have to worry about all that xover stuff. I just thinking that I will not be placing the RTAM out in the audience area during our gigs. I am thinking about using it while setting up and doing a sound check and just storing the settings for that venue.
Dra I like the super fast and more usable Auto EQ and level match options... they will be powerful assets for novice users. Just the auto level will help make the system sound better since the components will be better match level wise.. this was a common clogging point for the Auto EQ.. with too variant a level between tops and subs for instance... the auto EQ would have to perform drastic EQ to whole spectrum's in order to match levels...In three way applications I would expect to see a higher level of knowledge applied, but still.. if it works like they say.. it WILL make a huge difference for the beginner and novice level users...DRPA+ all the way... where the 260 is infeasible that is...
I thought you misunderstood. Yes, I was saying that if you don't have the mic, the new and improved Auto EQ & level are wasted features.