Please advice me what to do
I have the driveRack px , i have powered two tops on each side and 2powerd subs
if i set the level to 100% for the tops and 100% for subs on the speaker level and on the panel ,will this affect my gain ,and if i set the tops at 5o%
will this lower the gain for the whole system ,please advise me what to do.
Another question what is the best way and sound i could get from the four tops 750 watt each i mean the setting in adittion to the 2 powered subs.
Tops 4 rcf 725A 750watt 40-20khz
Woofers RCF tts 28 a 2000 Watt each 40-20khz
Sorry for These questions
if i set the level to 100% for the tops and 100% for subs on the speaker level and on the panel ,will this affect my gain ,and if i set the tops at 5o%
will this lower the gain for the whole system ,please advise me what to do.
Another question what is the best way and sound i could get from the four tops 750 watt each i mean the setting in adittion to the 2 powered subs.
Tops 4 rcf 725A 750watt 40-20khz
Woofers RCF tts 28 a 2000 Watt each 40-20khz
Sorry for These questions
Comments ... nd-theatre
Gadget should be along soon.
As for those subs.. they are very peaky...@ 100hz... more than 16 db higher than the 30hz to 110 hz (actually they are just under 200 hz @ the point they reach 30 hz on the other end but a lopass is set @ either 80hz or 110hz) you'll want to select 110 hz for Driverack use, and phase @ -0-.
Then I think I'd select the RCF ART315 series from the PX menu Select any sub, say the Mackie...
Then set the xover @ just over 80 hz and try that ...I kind of like the LR24 filter type, I would also try 100 hz and see if the tops don't sound a little better... not having to work so hard...Let the sub handle it's own HPF (set the DR HPF to 30 hz bw18 or below...set the tops volume control @ 50% and use the volume control on the sub to balance with the tops.
You can use the xover gains on the PX if you prefer but you won'y gain anything here...
No, setting the volume control on the tops @100 won't deliver more performance...I think the tops will be the limiting factor here...that's why the closer you get to the subs lopass the more power the tops will have...