Is my PA junk?
After load in this weekend in a venue we'd done previously, I flipped power on the the DRPA and the screen was very dark and pixelated. It failed to boot up but automatically restarted itself about twice. Very different and had me concerned.
Upon starting it gave me an option to press store to reboot. I did and it did restart.
Now all my settings are gone, and anytime I try to change a setting or even an eq of one of the factory presets it restarts. Eventually I did get it to accept a setting. We did pull it immediately and replace with another PA out of another system minutes before the event, but I am pretty sure that the PA is junk. So how do I fix it and what's wrong with it?
Upon starting it gave me an option to press store to reboot. I did and it did restart.
Now all my settings are gone, and anytime I try to change a setting or even an eq of one of the factory presets it restarts. Eventually I did get it to accept a setting. We did pull it immediately and replace with another PA out of another system minutes before the event, but I am pretty sure that the PA is junk. So how do I fix it and what's wrong with it?
In the event that a reset is required, the DriveRack® PA offers you the option of performing a “Softâ€? or “Hardâ€? reset. The
Soft Reset resets all operating parameters except user programs. The Hard Reset Procedure will reset all programmable
information back to the factory defaults.
All Power-Up Functions require a button(s) to be pressed and held as the unit power is turned on.
Factory (“Hard�) Reset.
Press and hold the <STORE> button at power-up until the following message appears:
• Pressing the <PREV PAGE> button will start a Factory Reset (All User Programs will become
copies of the Factory Programs, all Utility settings will be defaulted, and all Security settings
will be defaulted).
• Pressing the <PROGRAM> button will abort the Factory Reset sequence and the unit will reset normally.
If the hard reset doesn't correct your problem:
Follow the above link to a Return Authorization Form and fill it out including a detailed explanation of the problem. You will be sent a RA number and you can ship the unit back to the factory for service.
If you end up sending the unit back to the factory for service, you might as well request that they update the firmware also.
Idid take time to troubleshoot a little more. it did do a hard reset. It never gave me the option to do so. I have restarted it with a soft reset before. This time it just wiped everything out.
As I was working with it this afternoon, I bumped it, and it reset. Then i tapped the top cover. It reset, I tapped the screen, it reset.
And by tap i mean one finger like I was clicking a mouse with effort.
even to press the select knob causes a reset???
Any ideas whats wrong. I am sure its going to need serious service.
Software? Power supply? ugh!
If it hadn't erased all the memory I'd be happier. You did not tell it to do it did you?
The power thing sounds like it could be very simple to fix... loose screw, broken solder, etc. But it lost memory, too. :?
To clarify again, I didn't do a hard or soft reset. It just powered up and didn't have settings and the screen was pixelated.
The last event I did with it it did reset during the event. We figured it was because of low power because we were at the end of a run, probably 3-400 feet from the Fuse Panel and another 100ft extension cord.
I doubt low power would have caused it as no other amp, light, or power conditioner showed hazardous levels, just low levels.
I bet it's the ribbon cable...pulled out and re-inserted it will usually work for a while... pulled, cleaned and re-inserted ... good to go.
Another PA did the exact same thing this weekend.
I mean exact. And not even in the same venue, trailer, rack, or any similar conditions.
I am thinking this may be something else going on. I talked to my dealer and he said to update the firmware and see if that fixes things. I also opened up the original one and its squeaky clean. The ribbon cable is flawless. So I am thinking he may be right? worth a try anyhow?
So where do I find a step by step guide on how to update firmware?
I looked on here briefly and didn't see it.
Any help?
Did you ever send yours to DBX?
IF your like me you have a pile of power cords around and we use them all over the place/
THE DRPA seems to be finicky about the cord you plug in. IF you look real close there is a \"shoulder\" on the power cord that can stop the cord from going to far into the unit or not going in far enough to make solid contact.
IF the cords do not seat or the Shoulder hits to early, all you need do is breath on it and it will go nuts.
I opened mine up thinking that there was a loose wire at the soclet in the back and when I had it on the bench, it became clear what the real problem was.
Guys that move a lot of equipement around and rebuild racks, keep the factory cord with it and I think you will be OK.