Bridged mono or stereo?
I put together a medium sized DJ/ kereoke system a few years back and she performs very well ,love the drive rack and with the feed back filters it's real easy to dial in and keep mikes real hot on stage.
However I'm not sure if I should tri amp my current system or delete my set of MP255s base bins and use only a pair of SR4715s bridged mono with a Micro Teck 2400 on each bin .
Or get another set of 4715s to replace the 255s and run in stereo?
Earth Wind And Fire type mix,s are super clean and punchy even with my mis matched base bins at high volume .But others are way to boomy!
I believe we can do better and that my 255s may be a mis matched component.
Using the wizard I set it up for the JBL 4715s as that sounds the best.
Below is my list of gear less effects.Any professional help would be appreciated.
Thanks Glen
Set up is Bi amped
Mackie 1402-VLZ board
Drive Rack PA
31 band stereo EQ
4-SR4732X cabs run passive Two -Power Teck- 3 Crowns run in stereo
2-SR4715 base bins One Micro Teck 2400 in stereo
2-MP255S base bins One Micro teck 2400 in stereo
However I'm not sure if I should tri amp my current system or delete my set of MP255s base bins and use only a pair of SR4715s bridged mono with a Micro Teck 2400 on each bin .
Or get another set of 4715s to replace the 255s and run in stereo?
Earth Wind And Fire type mix,s are super clean and punchy even with my mis matched base bins at high volume .But others are way to boomy!
I believe we can do better and that my 255s may be a mis matched component.
Using the wizard I set it up for the JBL 4715s as that sounds the best.
Below is my list of gear less effects.Any professional help would be appreciated.
Thanks Glen
Set up is Bi amped
Mackie 1402-VLZ board
Drive Rack PA
31 band stereo EQ
4-SR4732X cabs run passive Two -Power Teck- 3 Crowns run in stereo
2-SR4715 base bins One Micro Teck 2400 in stereo
2-MP255S base bins One Micro teck 2400 in stereo
I would give it a try and see how it goes.
I guess I threw to much into my first post in my excitement in finding this site..I read through countless threads prior to my post.
I believe those 255s may have to go but I thought If we tri amp add two more power amps for the highs not sure what size?
Maybe the drive rack crossover would be cleaner than JBL passive running two way and help the 255s in the proccess.I,m a musician not a pro sound man .
My other thought was stay bi amped bridging my pair of 4715s or just add another set of 4715s in place of 255s and run bi amped stereo as we do now.
For over 20 years I was always a sound mans worst nightmare trying to give me a punchy drum and fat vocal monitor mix in the 80s and 90s.It was trying, to say the least and looking back took longer than our sound check..
I know what I want sound wise and can EQ a pretty tight fat mix but still it could be better, I'm not quite sure how to get it. I should have paid more attention to what our sound company's did through out the years to attain it.I never realized how talented these guys are.
I don,t mind adding a few amps or what ever to make this set up as good as it can get with my core compoinents.
We also run an BBE 882 which seems to warm the mix a bit, in which I left out rack wise..
Thanks in advance!
Would my Dive Rack crossover set up let me do that with the top cabs still passive?
Yes, you just change the config to a 2x5 (or 6).
Thanks a lot Dra,
I will give her a try and share the results!
What are your thoughts on maybe throwing the 2 more powerful Crown 2400 Micro Teck bottom amps on the top set stereo powering our 4-1200 watt full range 4732s and running our two 1200 watt 4715s with the 2 Power Teck-3s bridged mono or visa versa amp wise bridged mono..
Without those 255s we have an extra amp to play with!