pa doesnt hold memory
8) hi there guys!! i've been thru all 8 pages on pa general, and havent seen a clue, my dr pa is ok but something, it lets me edit everything, then i store it, and can go back and forth thru programs and it is ok, but when i turn it of it looses it, at turn on it will have the same program as before editing, including name and all. i hope someone can help with this, itought it was a battery problem, but found none! so i'll wait for some advise.
thanks for your attention.
thanks for your attention.
Turn off the DRPA.
Press and hold the Program button.
Turn on DRPA (while holding down Program button).
Follow instruction.
The manual is not good in this area (and many more), but you can select a \"Default\" start program, or to start up with the last loaded program.
Let us know if this works.
iturnit on,then last patch used comes up, either that or another i'll start editing, turn on sub synth, dial like 18%, go tograph eq , do some editing and so on; then press store yes, three times until it says \" storing program\" or something like; then i'll go to another program and load it,(just for testing) then go back to the edited prog, it is still there! with name and settings edited, do anything and it's OK, but then turn off the unit. at power up it does the usual, and what? it loads the non edited prog, then i'll dial the user number that i edited before and, it's gone!
the program loads as it was before, name and settings. i've tried editing just one parameter to check quickly but no results, right now i'm about to reset it to check if it does work properly. like i said first itpught it was a backup battery problem, like in keyboards etc., but it doesn't have one anyway thanks for your answers, hope someone helps to make it work!!!
Martinnez :P
Did you buy it new?
Did you buy it locally in a store?
What Program # are you using?
iread something about security levels setting from the front panel, could that be the origin of my problem? how doi acces these parameters?
thanks for your help 8)
:? itdefinitly does not hold the edits, tried editing everything from another user prog think it is num 24, even renamed, and chenged from 2 way to 3 way and many things, stored ,went to other progs, renamed them, went back and forth, and theyre there, nice and perfect! oh but turn off the unit, turn on and !nothing, nada the same settings before editing even names and all. disasembled it , and cleaned some parts with isoprop alcohol, let it dry well, cleaned the display and all conectors, even touched a bit some solders on the regulator ics, that before trying again and no luck :roll: ireally think maybe the memory is bad, what do you sugest? i'm afraid to do the hard reset, cause if it dosn't work either then i'll be stuck with the preset programs and not be able to change them!!
any help is appreciated.just came back from a gig and tomorrow i'll try again
8) thanks\"\"
The display ribbon is a really important (and the single most problematic) thing with the DRPA, and like a bad child, is the cause of most of the DRPA platform problems. Remove cable from socket carefully, clean contacts and cable ends with something like Caig's Deoxit 5... and carefully -.. we have had posters that have soldered them in ...but I cannot verify that...
It does certainly sound like you are doing everything correctly. Unfortunately, it sounds as though the device just is not functioning properly. There is an IC chip which retains the memory in that model and it may be malfunctioning. I would recommend having this unit serviced. For more information on getting this item serviced, please see the below link. ... earch&cat=
Sorry for the inconvenience.