LEDs don't light on a dbx 2215
I just bought a dbx 2215. I use a Toshiba laptop with a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS, and a Harman Kardon 3485 Receiver/Amplifier.
A few problems:
1) The Type III NR, seems to have no effect. What effect SHOULD have?
2) The PeakPlus THRESOLD, seems to have no effect. What effect SHOULD have?
3) None of the following leds light: the Output Level, Gain Reduction and Clip? Is it normal? I tried high levels. Not... MAXIMUM level.
4) Also, what the Low Cut and Range buttons are for?
A few problems:
1) The Type III NR, seems to have no effect. What effect SHOULD have?
2) The PeakPlus THRESOLD, seems to have no effect. What effect SHOULD have?
3) None of the following leds light: the Output Level, Gain Reduction and Clip? Is it normal? I tried high levels. Not... MAXIMUM level.
4) Also, what the Low Cut and Range buttons are for?
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS info
http://www.soundblaster.com/products/pr ... 0769&nav=0
This is
2215 Dual 15-Band Graphic Equalizer info
It's true that I don't use the system loud, have neighbors.
ALL leds should work ONLY when the system is loud? Like in a club?
And what about Type III NR and PeakPlus THRESOLD?
What's their purpose? I don't hear any effect. What effect SHOULD have?
I just received a message from dbx:
My question: None of the following leds light: the Output Level, Gain Reduction and Clip? Is it normal?
dbx’s answer:
This is not normal and the EQ may not be working properly or it’s not getting a +4 signal. Have you tried increasing the input gain pot? You may need to implement a line level shifter in order to boost a -10 dBV signal up to +4. Please refer to the following attachment when using a dbx EQ with consumer gear that operates at -10dBV.
Attachment:The first thing that I should mention is that this EQ operates at +4 dbu, whereas your hi-fi and consumer electronics equipment operates at -10 dBV. This can cause problems as there is approximately a 12 dB difference between the two operating levels...
The best solution to avoid all the above problems is to use Ebtech line level shifters. These line level shifters will match the levels (between +4dBu and -10 dBV), convert between balanced and unbalanced lines and isolate the grounds elimination potential ground loop problems. These boxes are the best solution for integrating pro gear with hi-fi or semi-pro equipment.
Ebtech line level shifters.
Look at it this way, (water and sink/faucet analogy) the EQ expects to see 15 gallons a minute sent to it to cause the valve to be able to work properly...(full flow, and less from a given orifice size)you are only feeding it .50 gallons/minute (less then 1 gallon per minute) and the valve (the faucet) needs to be almost OFF to have ANY effect at all... does that make sense?
In the Pro world we would turn the input volume control of the amp down so you need to hit it harder (send a hotter signal to the amp) in order to get the same level...you may need to attenuate the amps input with something to get the results you desire...
now, do i need those cables?
Well first off lets see if we can deretermine if your computer card CAN provide the necessary levels...It may not be able to...You could still use the EQ if it doesn't... but it won't allow the use of the dynamics processing...
With the amp/speakers shut OFF adjust the computer cards output level upwards till you see the signal lights indicating that you have a sufficient level to the outputs... unfortunately there is no input level indicator... you may need to crank up the 'input gain' on the eq to get this to happen, but we need to know if the Audigy can provide the levels necessary to drive the 2215...If so CAN you get the EQ to +10 on the meter? +18? if so, then you can drive the EQ and you may need an attenuator the amp... you never did really fully disclose what gear the 2215 is driving... amp speaker wise...
Sony SS-B3000 Bookshelf Speakers with 8\" Woofer
http://www.amazon.com/Sony-SS-B3000-Boo ... 721&sr=8-3
can not afford the powerful sound. I plan buying
JBL EON515 450 Watt 15\" Powered PA Speaker
http://www.amazon.com/JBL-EON515-Watt-P ... 842&sr=8-1
>you never did really fully disclose what gear the 2215 is driving...
What’s exactly your question?
So, Audigy driving 2215 driving bookshelf speakers through an harmon Kardon receiver correct? THAT is the info I wanted...
1. Yes turn the Audigy input up...
2. Did you turn the input gain control on the 2215 up you didn't say?
3. Use the hk volume control to to set the output volume you want, but try and get sufficient signal to the 2215...
There are 3 ways to modify the level of the sound:
1. Laptop’s volume (Audigy card)
2. HK volume
3. dbx input gain
What levels should I have on each of those 3 things?
On a scale from 1 to 10.
One more thing:
A friend of mine suggested that I should buy:
BBE 882i Sonic Maximizer
http://www.amazon.com/BBE-Sound-882i-So ... 996&sr=8-2
I really don’t know the purpose of a maximizer – he said something about loud(ness, probably)… head room
Do I really need something like that with my modest system, or the maximizer is only useful in clubs? $ is not an issue.
and thnx Gadget for your help.
It samples the low frequency content and adds harmonics. For example (and I don't know where it starts and stops), it hears a 180hz tone and adds a tone 1 octive down at 90hz. 140hz, adds 70hz, 90hz adds 45hz, etc. There is a control as to how much of the \"added material\" is sent to the output.
It monitors the \"presence\" in the signal and boosts that range when it thinks it needs it. There is a control for that as well.
Both of these CAN :roll: make cheap speakers sound better, but you can destroy them with the lower content. If you system is \"flat\" (actually reproducing the signal as intended) you don't need it.
You will have to experiment...but first see if you can hit the 2215 with enough signal to get the -0- light lit on the eq... try +12 on the eq just to see how much it takes from the sound card to get that level...