DRPA and outside show
Hi Dra & Gadget....
back for some more helpful input.or output advice,lol..I have an outside (150/250ppl) block party coming up and it will be the 1st since I started using the DRPA. Should I be concerned with any changes in enviroment going from in to outdoors? I seem to have the sys working well in the clubs. After setting input gain, I ended up with xover gains set at 0 (HF) and 4.5 (LF). I generaly change the LF xover gain between clubs for more or less bottom based on club size. I guess I'm wondering if I should mess with xover gains to taylor sound or use the FOH EQ to boost/cut the mains.
Also, is the new DRPA+ a must have compared to the DRPA?
As always thanks and cheers!!
back for some more helpful input.or output advice,lol..I have an outside (150/250ppl) block party coming up and it will be the 1st since I started using the DRPA. Should I be concerned with any changes in enviroment going from in to outdoors? I seem to have the sys working well in the clubs. After setting input gain, I ended up with xover gains set at 0 (HF) and 4.5 (LF). I generaly change the LF xover gain between clubs for more or less bottom based on club size. I guess I'm wondering if I should mess with xover gains to taylor sound or use the FOH EQ to boost/cut the mains.
Also, is the new DRPA+ a must have compared to the DRPA?
As always thanks and cheers!!
Set the HPF for the subs @ 40-45 hz minimum if you don't have a BIG system...
Sounds like I'll keep saving for a 260! Gadget, here is my system and the settings
System is 1x4
eq stereo linked
mains SR4725A (chained at 4ohms)
subs MRX528S stereo
high amp (1) Crown XTI 2000 (bridged)
low amp (2) Crown CE 4000 (bridged)
x-over settings
H 110hz LR24 0 db
L 110hz LR24 4.5db
L 35.5hz
Limiters- ON
H overeasy 4 / threshold 18
L overeasy 4 / threshold 16
eq and peq -OFF
Sub Harmonic-OFF
Delay-OFF (suggestions?)
Sorry no one got back to you. Busy weekend.
I looked over your equipment list and settings. I did the homework on your amps and speakers and everything looks quite workable. As Gadget said, raise the highpass on your sub about 10 Hz for the outdoor stuff and as Dra said, watch your level outdoors because it will feel lower. Pay close attention to your meters.
Generally, once the levels are set on all of the bands (in your case, high and low) you will leave them set and make changes elsewhere. When you vary the level of a band you will also vary the crossover point which in turn varies the time alignment. You haven't yet got into time alignment but you did ask about delay. I set my time alignment (delay) with a computer program which you probably don't have but Gadget is able to do a lot of this stuff by ear and he will jump in here with some suggestions on the topic. If I needed to set different sub levels in different venues, I would build separate programs for each venue which not only had different sub level settings but different delay settings. With separate programs, you can also save your room EQ from the last gig if you use the DRPA GEQ for tuning your system to the venue.
Take a look at bandmanager for your two amps. Go to Crown international and download it for free and there is a demo.
With the DRPA and The DSP on the amps. There is not much you could not do.
I also suggest you buy a cheap Radio Shack DB meter and keep it with you at all time. I find it a reality check sometimes. The evironment may not seem as loud but on the meter you may be surprised. I use the digital one.