Setting compressor in 260
As given in the manual \"Compressor section\"
I could not understand as to how it would sound louder than it actually is,
and please will someone help as to how it is to be set
Gain (G) -20 to +20 dB
This parameter is used to compensate for the gain lost during compression. By using heavy
compression on a signal and then boosting the signal with the output gain, the user can create
a signal that sounds much louder than it actually is.
I could not understand as to how it would sound louder than it actually is,
and please will someone help as to how it is to be set
I prefer to use a compressor to help smooth an unruly performance...Another BIG problem with over compressing a signal is that it raises the AVERAGE signal sent to the amps...this raises the duty cycle, and thus the stress on the power supply of the amp... get the duty cycle too high and you will exhaust the power supply of the amp and overheat the speaker voice coils.. leading to the letting out of the smoke..
SO... FORGET about over compressing...
and save your drivers...
Bet it was making a ton of noise !
Then there's the ever popular \"Well it was working just fine and then just quit!\"
This one let the smoke out rather violently...I bet...
and this one is was crossed JUST a little too low...