Phase shift function
In the end of section 4.12 on page 38 of the DBX260 manual is a little explained phase function adjustable from 0 to -175 degrees.
What is this intended to do?
I have played around with it in attempt to level the group delay of an acoustically small direct radiator in order to maintain its acoustic center with falling frequency.
I measured the T.F. of 0 and -45 degree on a Nyquist plot with my TEF and both plots match at origin and rotate clockwise ending with a 45 degree difference increasing with frequencey as expected. When applied to the driver however the final value of phase is increased.
I may have just answered my own question, how ever I could use some insight. I am just a novice. What is the intended purpose of this control?
Thank you,
What is this intended to do?
I have played around with it in attempt to level the group delay of an acoustically small direct radiator in order to maintain its acoustic center with falling frequency.
I measured the T.F. of 0 and -45 degree on a Nyquist plot with my TEF and both plots match at origin and rotate clockwise ending with a 45 degree difference increasing with frequencey as expected. When applied to the driver however the final value of phase is increased.
I may have just answered my own question, how ever I could use some insight. I am just a novice. What is the intended purpose of this control?
Thank you,
This quote was stolen without permission from Bob McCarthy's book, \"Sound Systems: Design and Optimization\"
I need to horse around with this some more.
Any additional help would be most welcome.
Thank you,
I will give the ProSoundWeb guys a try.
Thanks again,