DriveRack+ config question
I am using 2 mackie HR624's and HRS120 sub in my practice room.
Using the auto wizard I have to specify custom for speakers and amps.
When it gets to auto leveling it will not let me alter the gain for the amps, it is fixed at 50%. Also when choosing the speaker configuration for setup it selects default crossover settings which are not the ones I want to use. So if I change them after auto leveling and eq it kind of defeats the purpose.
So my question is would I just be better off skipping auto level,setting up my crossover settings,do gain structure,then auto eq?
Using the auto wizard I have to specify custom for speakers and amps.
When it gets to auto leveling it will not let me alter the gain for the amps, it is fixed at 50%. Also when choosing the speaker configuration for setup it selects default crossover settings which are not the ones I want to use. So if I change them after auto leveling and eq it kind of defeats the purpose.
So my question is would I just be better off skipping auto level,setting up my crossover settings,do gain structure,then auto eq?
HUH? That makes no sense... you VARY the output of whichever it tells you to.. as in TURN THE TOPS DOWN...
And as for the Xover setup.. look at it as a starting point... do the setup wizard...exit and set up the xover HPF/LPF and slope you want , then run the auto level...then do the Auto eq if you have the mic..
Don't you have to use the mic to \"auto-level\"?
I think his concern is that the auto level is in the \"system set-up\" and will default back to the x-over settings that he doesn't want. Or do the settings remain?
Unless he is doing some pretty major changes, I don't think the auto-level will be affected much.
You are correct. That is what is happening.I ended up doing basic setup 2x3,skipping auto leveling,setting up crossover(which you are also right only minor changes),setting gain structure,then doing auto eq and adjusting xover levels after.
My system does sound sweet now though.
Thought I would mention this limitation when using the custom setting for speakers and amps
PS - With minor changes to the x-over, the auto-level should be just fine as is.
Yes, the Auto level was aimed at novices, and other than trying it out to be familiar with it I do not use it! But there were too many \"newbie\" problems associated with not understanding how to balance the components of their systems...I think it should have included a re-direct to the xover to at least review the settings there...but then for the most part newbies don't have the chops to understand this without some coaching..and or reading...
system setup
load program
adjust crossover
auto level (or manual level balancing in my case)
auto EQ
speaker alignment/tuning/positioning
NOT a big difference of opinion here old friend... perhaps just semantics...