Thanks for all you do for others. I want to run my QSC powered 2 ways on top and some old passive subs below. I will run them in stereo, which wizard can I start with? I am VERY nervous about the right starting configuration. Any help is really appreciated!
http://www.qscaudio.com/products/speake ... pr152i.htm
Also, I beleive that there was a message for power speakers saying use mic/line? Does this sound familiar?
In the set-up wizard you'll select a stereo-linked EQ with custom passive highs and custom subs (stereo) with a custom amp for tops and custom amp for the subs.
Anything else?
Will I do any damage by running active speakers on top and powered subs in the bottom? I want to follow the #1 option and booklet and try out the pinking feature and auto eq, etc. Does this make sense?
Where should I cross the subs?
Thanks for helping the newbs...
PS - lots of other good stuff in the RMF section.
Thanks it worked absolutely perfectly, someone suggested turning on the subharmonic synthesizer, does this seem correct? The pinking was great, i don't remember specifying a crossover, did the DRAplus do that for me?
Again, it was a really easy plug and play set-up and THANKS for your advice. Truly, it was a high stakes gig and I took a chance and it worked well.
No, forget the subharmonic synth.
1. When I come back to the venue, I call up my preset settings, do I just go through the menu items again?
2. I have some old 3 ways but 2 amps, interestingly the highs are 16 ohms and the mids are 4 ohms,, while the subs are 8 ohms. What happens when the 16 and 4 is out together.
Help is always appreciated :!:
2- I know for a fact that I didnt understand that question...
1. When you get to a venue you shouldn't NEED to call up your preset, it should still be there unless you actually change it from show to show, even if you have a preset for each venue you simply call up that preset...just remember that if your last trip to the venue had been set for a full tilt boogie and your starting out with those settings and a semi empty room and at lower volume.. things will sound different...
2. I assume here :roll: that your saying that your running a :Tops" "subs" setup amp wise? And that the tops are "passive" (meaning using internal xovers)??? If so then those issues are dealt with BY said xover...If not then you must be running mono and then you use the active crossover (Driverack) to deal with those issues... so which is it?
Sorry to confuse, lets take off the table the subharmonc topic. My question, are there step by step directions for how to porceed when using the stored settings. At the venue, I called up the settings that were there from last time, then I lit up the efx, sub amp, QSC's, etc. There was no sound, should I have gone through the set up menu again? I cant find step by step directions.
The other question is not Drive Rack PA related, I have passive subs, and mids and highs with no active x-overs. What happens when I plug in a 16 ohm speaker and a 4 ohm speaker in to an 8 ohm amp in stereo or 4 ohms mono.
Your help is really appreciated, really i need help with teh recall settings,I got rave reviews first time out and am going back to same venue.
Thanks again,
Now if you did all that and your SURE you stored the preset... then you need to store a new modified preset, unplug and shut down the DRPA and then plug it back in and make sure the setting are still there and that the system sounds the same as before you unplugged...
As for amps... they aren't typically 4, 8 or even 16 ohm.. the only difference is that as the impedance rises, the power is lower than an amp rated @ a specific impedance...Like Peavey typically rates its stuff @ 4 ohms...but it will work fine (but have less power than @ that rating... here is where you need to do your setup gain structure to take care of those issues... have you read this?
if not it is the step by step you asked about... and this:
delves into more specific subjects...
and this:
deals with the setup of a 2 way biamp speaker... add a sub and away you go
Do you mean a raw horn(?) and a raw mid driver parallel into one side of an amp? Still confused. :?
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