Limiter Lights blinking on sub outs
No matter what I do, the limit lights keep blinking on the sub outs, even though I have the limiter turned off. The interesting thing is, it even blinks when I have the sub out set to -8.0 dB. All levels are at unity on my mixer, and I am positive that I am not sending a hot or distorted signal. Please help!
P.S. I am using two JBL PRX518 subwoofers with the built-in preset.
P.S. I am using two JBL PRX518 subwoofers with the built-in preset.
What about where you turn down the source?
Wait! Limiters flashing on the sub, or the PX sub output meters?
Name the preset
Where do you want to put the preset
Are you SURE you want to replace the preset in this location ?
As for the other question... are you using the limiters or compressors? Those could cause the lights to indicate activity...