260 vs PA+
I am looking to buy a Drive Rack system
In yalls opinion which is better for the setup I have. The 260 or the PA+
This is my system setup
2 Yamaha S215V dual 15\"
3 old JBL Monitors (Don’t know the model)
1 Bag End TA1200-RF Monitor
2 QSC RMX 2450 Power Amps
1 Behringer EURORACK UB1222FX-PRO
Would either one of the drive rack system be able to run all of this equipment through it? (Including the Monitors)
Thank you for your time and any advise would help.
In yalls opinion which is better for the setup I have. The 260 or the PA+
This is my system setup
2 Yamaha S215V dual 15\"
3 old JBL Monitors (Don’t know the model)
1 Bag End TA1200-RF Monitor
2 QSC RMX 2450 Power Amps
1 Behringer EURORACK UB1222FX-PRO
Would either one of the drive rack system be able to run all of this equipment through it? (Including the Monitors)
Thank you for your time and any advise would help.
What do you mean by common mix?
Does that mean i will still be able to give everyone in the band the mix that they want in there monitors?
Thanks again
With that said where is the DRPA+ recommended?