Yorkville Unity U15P tunings
New to forum but not new to using the DriveRack PA.
I have Yorkville Unity Series U15P
Would like some advise on how to set these up as stand alones....no subs.
Any suggestions for tunings?
New to forum but not new to using the DriveRack PA.
I have Yorkville Unity Series U15P
Would like some advise on how to set these up as stand alones....no subs.
Any suggestions for tunings?
We need all your system info... Mixer, amps what you intend to do with your system...
Yes, read it prior to post....some good info. Nonetheless:
Mixer Allen Heath Mix Wiz 16:2
U15P are powered
Using them full range
(Aside note: These U15P's have a terrible buzz emanating from the fans in the back (suggestions for replacements)....are powered boxes typically noisy?)
Problem I am having is setting them up to sound decent....doh! That is, using the auto eq is not giving any usable results. Yes, have read and tried the various suggestions regarding the indoor auto eq method and several others from the posts here in. Was wondering if with these cabinets, being rather unique in design, there might be a better way to auto eq as the "Unityâ„¢ horn combines a single 1" throat with a 1.75â€? diaphragm high frequency compression driver alongside three 5â€? ceramic magnet midrange drivers on a single, highly efficient conical horn. This combines high and mid frequency energy in a single 60º x 60º conical horn that produces frequencies from 300Hz to 20kHz upper horn. Under this horn is the 800 watt 15" Neodymium magnet woofer with 3" voicecoil.
Should I stack these one on top of the other? Pole mounts not viable in this particular room, nor suspending from cieling.
Given this configuration, where does one aim the RTA mic is my question? Results so far not impressive...actually quite horrible....aiming at floor 90 1/8" directly in line, aiming at roof, aiming right between the horn and 15, at four feet, ....etc. What might I try, besides inviting Tom Danley over for a Canadian brew?
Appreciate the responses...even any burns...(Chuckle).
Can we assume that you are auto-EQing the venue? Are you doing it and leaving it as is? If so, you can't do that except for a very small band in the mid range. How do they sound straight from the mixer? Outside?
Ok more info on what your experiencing, and on the setup
Bad LOW frequency response? (those are known to not have a lot below about 100hz)
bad mid/hi...yes were familiar with the Danley designs..and mid high clarity/smoothness is the hallmark of his designs.
Are you using the -0- flat preset, and only one speaker at a time...?
Where do you typically place the mic (distance) or have you tried multiple locations... including on axis 8 feet out aimed mid speaker...
Can you provide a screen shot of the auto eq post process...
What measurement mic are you using.. have you verified that IT isn't the problem...
No flamejobs here
Any and all pertinent info is necessary including all processor modules used and settings in order to help straiten this out..
Oh, but flaming makes such an interesting read for the audience.
Thanks. I will as well try running straight from the mixer....but would that not simply be running through the DRPA without any EQ or PEQ?
Have you tried the new indoor method?
Try one speaker, up against the wall with the mic 5 feet out, do the below 170hz by ear... this should maybe explain what your experiencing: