Help With A Good Base Setting For Large Rooms?
My band has the DriveRack PA. We usually use the RTA mic and pink noise the room before we play, for the Driverack to do its business. However, at the end of the month my band is playing a gig and we don't have a lot of time for setup do the timing of events day of. My problem is I'm not sure we will be able to use the auto setup features because there will be other people in the room setting up for a party. I was wondering ho to achieve a good base setup that would work because of the circumstances. Is there anything I can do before I get their to setup the DriveRack? We wil be playing in a large room that could hold probably about 200 people? This is driving me crazy, any ideas would be great.
We recommend setting up a flat preset for just such occasions...then you have a base to work off ...
Go here:
and see how we recommend you set up your system..
and here:
if you have no chance of doing the outdoor method, try this:
but note that there is a ton of helpful info here...check out the rest of the FAQ section: