DRPA Setup--Yorkville Sub and Spkrs
:? Well, I’m going to give one more attempt at trying to get the DRPA setup so that my Yorkville system will sound awesome. I’m not technically inclined.
Would somebody offer advice on settings for the following speakers and subwoofer? This setup is used primarily at large weddings, but I use it for parties, too.
One (1) only, Yorkville Elite Powered Subwoofer--LS700P (dbl 10�)
700 Watts (2 x 350 watts)
Frequency response: 45-125 Hz
EQ Control: High Freq Cut-off button
Max dB 131
Two (2), Yorkville powered NX-750P Speakers
750 Watts ea
LF 650 watts
HF 100 watts
Frequency response: 50-26K Hz
Crossover at 1400 Hz
EQ Control: 100hz HP Filter (LF Rolloff)
Max db 127
Any help would be appreciated. But remember, I’m not that technically inclined so you’ll have to “spell it out� for me.
Would somebody offer advice on settings for the following speakers and subwoofer? This setup is used primarily at large weddings, but I use it for parties, too.
One (1) only, Yorkville Elite Powered Subwoofer--LS700P (dbl 10�)
700 Watts (2 x 350 watts)
Frequency response: 45-125 Hz
EQ Control: High Freq Cut-off button
Max dB 131
Two (2), Yorkville powered NX-750P Speakers
750 Watts ea
LF 650 watts
HF 100 watts
Frequency response: 50-26K Hz
Crossover at 1400 Hz
EQ Control: 100hz HP Filter (LF Rolloff)
Max db 127
Any help would be appreciated. But remember, I’m not that technically inclined so you’ll have to “spell it out� for me.
So, the question becomes, what have you tried to this point?
Looking at your system, you want AWESOME... you have...~
one sub that will fill a SMALL room (50X50 with adequate but not bone crunching bass...
two tops that will most likely smoke the sub level wise, but are meant for (again) smaller rooms...
So you have a smaller room PA and your probably doing mid size rooms... if you had more sub, you could get out there more, but with what you have you are limited... you want AWESOME... get an AWESOME setup... you have small system blues... this is the way I see it... correct me if I'm wrong. I do the same gigs with a pair of LABsubs, and a pair of Yorkville Elite 2204's with 7500 watts...FOH
I have Low end till hell won't have it, and punch that won't quit... but I think you need more low end...
Am I wrong?
This system's Low end does "suck" with what I have, if you consder a much larger room. But then, I'm not playing "hip-Hop" where the lack of Low end would be more noticeable.
Yes, the main speakers can overpower the Sub (1), but that's why the individual Volume control on the mains enables for a matching of the sound..."add volume to taste."
Nevertheless, thank you for your expert opinion which others may take to heart as well. Without an 18" subwoofer most systems will never be "earth shattering" as most everyone may probably agree. I have recently considered "upgrading" to one (1) Yorkville LS 801P (rear horn loaded) subwoofer (18") 1500 watts. Would that make much of a difference in the 50x50 room? I rather doubt the mains will "overpower" the 18" subwoofer?
OK so the tops are overpowering the single sub. If I were to add two (2) more powered subs, each at (400 watt/800 watt music), would that make a noticeable difference in the "50x50" room? Albiet, the two 15" subs are a matched pair but by a different manufacturer...not Yorkville. The sub SPL is 123 dB/126 dB. Freq response: 40-200 Hz; Cut-off frequency 80 Hz, Crossover 24 dB/oct.; Base reflex subwoofer.
Again, my technical skills and understanding are limited...(I'm an "old" guy in age, but "young" at heart)
My intent by posting here is not to demean my character or provide fodder for make fun of my "perceived" lack of technical/electronic know how, but to simply inquire as to how the DRPA can best be utilized in making my system work harmoneously.
I've read and re-read many times the postings of others and of course the Archives on How to do this and How to do that, but I can't seem to follow it all.
I have the DRPA in my roadcase and have used the Wizzard for setup (DJ) and use with Mono sub, and for microphone Feedback. I even use the Synth on occasion. But never used the PEQ/EQ because I don't understand the technical aspects of "cutoffs" and "crossover" points.
Thanks for your help in understanding my shortcomings.
I'd set the freq on the sub to as high as it will go. Set the the freq (if there is one) on the tops as low as it will go. Set up the x-over in the DRPA...
Lows -
HPF at 45hz BW18
LPF at 100hz LR24
Gain = -0-
Highs -
HPF at 100hz LR24
Gain = -3db
Set the volume knobs on all three speakers to 12 o'clock.
See how that balances. Adjust using the volume knobs on the top speakers if less highs are needed (only). Adjust using x-over gain if more highs are needed (only). In other word, you have a max level (balance) with the sub and the tops speakers have to be REDUCED to achieve a good balance of highs and lows.
You could also try changing the 100hz settings to say 70hz to move the available power in the sub and use more of the available power in the tops. This will be at the loss of vocal (mid) clarity, but worth a try to see if it works for you.
If you are Auto-EQing, hopefully you have read the pitfalls and limitations of it.
I will take your advice and "scrap" the extra 15 sub formation.
For setup, you are referring to the "2-way w/mon sub"? I have used it before with my other system, and coupled the two 15" subs. It does make a difference when coupled.
My intentions are to upgrade to the 18" LS800P (LS 801P) newer version, 1500 watts. I've already got a price for the switch.
Again, thanks for your simple and straightforward advice.
By the way, Gadget always tells it like it is...which is a good thing. No nonsense guy. Most "gifted" tech support guys seem to be that way. But, of course, you all seem to get quite a few inquiries with little information on which to base your response...must get frustrating at times. No offense, Gadget.
Have you considered just adding another LS700P?
131 x 2 = 134db (same as 801P)
2) 700P coupled add 3 db (137db)
Granted, the 801P will "throw" farther, but is much bigger, but has wheels.
Wasn't trying to disparage you...Dra actually has the Powered Yorkville tops and Yorkville subs, and I concur that adding another LS700 to the system, coupled together you will get much better output, and it is then scalable, you could run with one sub when you are in the smaller venues.
BTW those LABsubs have 12" drivers... not 18's, and sonically, the smaller the driver the less distortion, and the faster the cone can react when changing direction. They can actually go as low in the right enclosure as even a the largest 21" woofers....Audiophile's have known this forever it seems...but the live sound business has always been fixated on bigger is better.It took the likes of Tom Danley (Danley sound labs) a rocket scientist actually, to bring the livesound world up to speed about smaller drivers, and their benefits. I do have some 18" turbo manifolds, and some bass reflex 15" (front loaded) and they are ok, but the darn distortion from them is hard for me to tolerate since I have the Labhorns, and even though they are big and bulky... they never fail to bring that S#*^ eating grin to my face and that proud papa attitude when I see the look on peoples faces as stuff starts raining down off the walls and ceiling when I bring um up :shock:
I'm no spring chicken either... @ 57 I'm the quintessential "Old sound man"...and as you say
I hope you didn't think in any way I was demeaning your system...I was as you said simply telling like I saw it, and yes I've been doing this a long long time, but I'd like to think I don't look down my nose at anyone regardless of the experience they possess... and simply try my level best to help make better sound available... one system at a time.
Whatever rout you go, there are reputable dealers that smoke any price you find at some of the "big boy" internet sites. If interested...
Dra, your suggestion to get another Yorkville 700P is probably a good idea. When you spoke of “stacking� the subs if I were to get a 2nd 700P, did you mean one on top of the other, side by side?
The 700P subs have a hole in the center for pole mounting. That would work but I would have to by a pair of telescopic poles…to make sure I get the tops up in the air and over the heads of guest tables that are so often placed directly in front of the DJ setup. I never will understand why venues can’t be considerate of the DJ space.
I usually stack the subs and put one top ot stack for seamless coupling, and the added 3db that that setup affords with the subs, then the other goes on a stick, but side by side and speakers on a stick works too...
your welcome... and a few years at this age isn't a big deal right/
I used the "2-way w/mono sub" setup. Volume of the York tops (NX 750's) was set at 12:00. The Elite 700 Sub was also set at 12:00 position. The button on the York tops was pushed in because I was using a subwoofer. Didn't change either of the settings during the event, which was a Wedding Reception. The sound was great. I never pushed the volume slider more than 40" the entire time.
My equipment was setup so that I was playing from end to end of the rectangle. Had a 12' front (spkr-rectangle banquet table-Spkr). The sub was centered on the table directly in front. Speakers were on stands.
Just thought you'd like to know what happend.
Unfortunately, I never did set the crossover points. The sub volume control dial was set to taste which ended up being at the 12:00 position. I didn't even bother with the 8 band eq on the mixer either. It all sounded just fine. I couldn't believe how well it sounded when I went to the opposite end from where I was set up to listen. The photographer even commented on how good the system sounded.
If it sounded this good without setting any crossover points in the DR, how much better will it sound when I do get around to setting the points?
I will find out how it sounds indoors in a banquet hall with 9-10ft ceilings and tile floors. I'd guestimate the room size to be 100' x 150' with my setup playing being against the short wall?
I've got to learn how to make better use of the DRPA features.
I meant to say that the Master Gain was not increased more than 40 per cent. :P
I think you have only scratched the surface myself...Think how much better it could sound if everything is set up and aligned properly :shock:
So, I take it then that we can assume then that you are happy with at least from your original post?
I was impressed and satisfied with this past weekend's sound. I'm thinking that because there was less "boundaries" due to "open" air space, the system just did it's own thing, which was kind of impressive.
Of course my next gig will be indoors. So, I'm not sure what to expect. Maybe I will setup in my garage and play with the crossover; start with the 12:00 dial positions. I chose the 12 o'clock position because that's how I tested the system in my garage a day or two before last week's gig. I'll try using the DR crossover features this time.
I'm sure to have questions!
Set up the x-over in the DRPA...
Lows -
HPF at 45hz BW18
LPF at 100hz LR24
Gain = -0-
Highs -
HPF at 100hz LR24
Gain = -3db
Set the volume knobs on all three speakers to 12 o'clock.
I will do a "custom" setup as described by Dra and name it something.
Thanks for having patience...in advance.