Problem with driverack pa - eprom
I have problem with DBX PA Driverrack. On the screen when I turn it on I get eprom data,command lines but it is
endlessly.Since I am amateur in electronics I opened it up and fund out that voltage regulator don't sent voltage
to chip+3.3V , which also serves for eprom voltage. My opinion is that I have voltage blackout somewhere between
voltage regulator and chip with cooler. So I please You for help me on way to send me service manual or help me?
Thanks Very Much!
endlessly.Since I am amateur in electronics I opened it up and fund out that voltage regulator don't sent voltage
to chip+3.3V , which also serves for eprom voltage. My opinion is that I have voltage blackout somewhere between
voltage regulator and chip with cooler. So I please You for help me on way to send me service manual or help me?
Thanks Very Much!
I recommend having this item serviced. Here is information on the procedure. ... earch&cat=
As I said before, I am amatuer in electonics,and if I would have Service Manual I would be able to fix the problem myself.So I beg you If you would be capable to sent me Service Manual or electronic sheme for this device (DRPA) via email. I am ready to pay for it . I also please anybody on this forum to help me.
If you want to send us an email at the below link we can send you the schematic. We can only release schematics on products which are discontinued and this product has recently become discontinued, since the DriveRack PA+ was introduced.
Hope this helps.