EV T52+ and EV T18 Subs
Hi Everyone i have the following speakers/amps and need help on how to configure my driverack pa crossover etc...
I am not familiar with crossover slopes etc...
2 EV T52+ mains
http://archives.telex.com/archives/EV/S ... %20EDS.pdf
Crown CE4000 for mains (running in stereo 8ohms 600w each channel)
2 EV T18 Subs
http://www.electrovoice.com/download_do ... p?doc=1780
QSC RMX4050HD for Subs (running in stereo 8ohms 800w each channel)
I can see that the amps are listed in the driverack wizard but my speakers are not listed. My only option for the speakers is to select custom for the speakers but i am not sure what to select for the crossover settings. From what the subs specs are telling me is that i need to set the high pass filter to 33Hz or 45Hz using the 12db slope and cross the cabinets at 250Hz or below.... For the best optimal crossover settings according to the speaker specs what are the recommendations for the crossover settings for these speakers? I am trying to get the best possible sound from this setup.
This PA system will be used for a small band (drums, keyboards and vocals and also for a DJ setup during the band breaks).
P.S. I also attempted to do a gain structure (using pink noise track 58 as indicated on these forums) from my mixer channel all the way to the driverack and the Driverack is cliping before my mixer main outputs. Using a Mackie 1604 VLZ pro.
I am not familiar with crossover slopes etc...
2 EV T52+ mains
http://archives.telex.com/archives/EV/S ... %20EDS.pdf
Crown CE4000 for mains (running in stereo 8ohms 600w each channel)
2 EV T18 Subs
http://www.electrovoice.com/download_do ... p?doc=1780
QSC RMX4050HD for Subs (running in stereo 8ohms 800w each channel)
I can see that the amps are listed in the driverack wizard but my speakers are not listed. My only option for the speakers is to select custom for the speakers but i am not sure what to select for the crossover settings. From what the subs specs are telling me is that i need to set the high pass filter to 33Hz or 45Hz using the 12db slope and cross the cabinets at 250Hz or below.... For the best optimal crossover settings according to the speaker specs what are the recommendations for the crossover settings for these speakers? I am trying to get the best possible sound from this setup.
This PA system will be used for a small band (drums, keyboards and vocals and also for a DJ setup during the band breaks).
P.S. I also attempted to do a gain structure (using pink noise track 58 as indicated on these forums) from my mixer channel all the way to the driverack and the Driverack is cliping before my mixer main outputs. Using a Mackie 1604 VLZ pro.
Clipping problem: Mackie's (I think) have +28 output and the DRPA has +20 inputs. Not too good.
Figure out where +18 is on the mackie's meters and never go past that.
so for my setup I should do the following:
for subs:
Set the HPF to 45hz
set the LPF to 100hz using the 24LR slope.
For the mains:
set HPF to 100hz also using the 24LR slope.
Should I be adding any gain?
Gadget if possible can you give a brief Explanation on your recommendation of the BW18 on the HPF 45hz. Is the BW18 an indication of the size of the woofer. I am sorry I just trying to see how you got to that recommendation I don't see anything on the speaker specs about BW18 I only see a crossover section on the speaker specs to use a minimum slope of 12. I am trying to learn so please forgive my knowledge on this matter.
XX = the transition corner. Different types have different "knees".
## = the slope rate. In this case, 18 db per octive drop off.
From 50hz:
18db slope is -6db @ 40hz, -12db @ 31hz, -18db @ 25hz
12db slope is -4db @ 40hz, -8db @ 31hz, -12db @ 25hz
LR24 has become a very popular x-over filter, while BW type is favored for sub's HPF and 18 is very common. 18 gives more protection from low frequency damage than 12. Remember, they said "minimum slope of 12".