DBX 1231 Starting point
Hello I just recently got a 1231, can anyone tell me the best place to start setting this thing up to sound good?
Right now every time I set it I cant seem to get a good sound other than setting everything at "0"
Two QSC Q5 Amps
pv20 mixer
Jbl MXR518s subs
two Peavey impulse Tops
Right now every time I set it I cant seem to get a good sound other than setting everything at "0"
Two QSC Q5 Amps
pv20 mixer
Jbl MXR518s subs
two Peavey impulse Tops
I'd recommend the 260 for $700. Then the DRPA+ for a couple hundred less.
1) feedback control
2) correcting speaker response problems.
3) attempting room resonance correction
Graphic EQ's are not the best tool for any off these, but are usefull.
Generally speaking, never boost any frequencies, only cuts. Your best bet is to set up in the room and turn on all mics and squeal (ring) out the system. If you are not familiar with the process, one trick is turn the system up until feedback starts and reduce the volume until it stops. Then, increase each eq fader (one at a time) until it starts to ring. Make a note of the +db gain, then return to -0-. Do this through all faders. Any filters that fedback with 3db or less, reduce those to -6db and leave them. Any that were +4 to 6db, reduce to -2 or 3 db. Increase the gain knob on the EQ by +3db and check the mics for volume. Continue if neccessary.
Easy to use? Well, if you use the GUI (computer control) it is about as easy as regular analog separates. Download the GUI driveware from tab above and play with it. It is the best way to see if you like it. Also do the tutorial. Actually do the tutorial first.
If you are having difficulty with the 1231, maybe not.
Somebody mentioned before to listen to a Band that I really like the Mix on and Tweak the EQ until I get it sounding Good. I did that but then when I have silence, I hear alot of "Hiss" ?