Drive rack pa+ with peavey setup
Question, I am currently running two peavey sp2's and one sp218 sub with a peavey cs4080 amp. I wanted to run the sp2's on one channel and the sp218 on the other channel. Since this is a mono configuration, would i just hook up one channel of the drive rack highs to go into channel A of the amp and the low mono into channel B? Also, would a 2x3 drive rack config work in this case as long as the crossover points are set correctly? Also, do any special crossover frequencies need to be set in this scenario? This would be a temporary setup until I can afford another amp that will power the sp2's.
yes, and yes... you need to set a HPF for the sub and an LPF/HPF for the sub/sp2 xover point. The Wizard will give you a starting point... but not always a good one... like 180 hz LPF/HPF... not good!100hz would be more reasonable...
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Thanks gadget that did work. Do you recommend equalizing the sp218 or should it just run "flat"