Unable to Connect via RS-232 or Ethernet
We experienced very similar problems connecting to a Zone Pro 1260 as the original poster in this thread viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1201, receiving the same exact error message in Vista SP2. However, our situation is a bit more involved since we first tried connecting with a laptop running XP Pro SP3 using both ethernet and RS-232. Before I lay out an enormous amount of detail, I need the answer to a couple of questions, which may allow me to solve the connectivity issue on my own:
1) Does the DBX null modem cable use a proprietary pin-out or will any null modem cable work? (we did not have access to a DBX cable)
2) Is the DBX ethernet crossover cable a proprietary pin-out?
3) If these cables are proprietary, could someone provide the correct pin-out for each?
We experienced a number of connectivity problems with a single Zone Pro 1260 using SW version 2a-1.100, HW version 02. We tried both Zone Pro Designer 3.0 and 2.2 in both Win XP Pro SP3 and Vista, using an ethernet crossover cable (T568A-T568B) and a "standard" Female to Female null modem cable. The unit in question is not connected to a network, so connectivity is needed to flash the firmware and then to make basic software adjustments.
Thanks in advance.
1) Does the DBX null modem cable use a proprietary pin-out or will any null modem cable work? (we did not have access to a DBX cable)
2) Is the DBX ethernet crossover cable a proprietary pin-out?
3) If these cables are proprietary, could someone provide the correct pin-out for each?
We experienced a number of connectivity problems with a single Zone Pro 1260 using SW version 2a-1.100, HW version 02. We tried both Zone Pro Designer 3.0 and 2.2 in both Win XP Pro SP3 and Vista, using an ethernet crossover cable (T568A-T568B) and a "standard" Female to Female null modem cable. The unit in question is not connected to a network, so connectivity is needed to flash the firmware and then to make basic software adjustments.
Thanks in advance.
I will stand corrected, but my research has revealed there is actually no standard for DB9 null modem cables. We have located at least 3 different pin-outs for null modem cables to this point. Can you shed some light on this?
Are you using designer GUI 3.0 ... you will need to use the RS232 using the above pin configs to run the GUI... a list of compatible USB to serial converters is available but I personally found an el-cheapo on New egg for $12 and it works fine...
The Ethernet (J45 protocol) is for zone controllers it looks like...although I'll get tech service to look at this thread also to get a definitive answer...
Seems to me that the DB9 uses a crossover... here is a document we use to connect the GUI through a snake using XLR connectors..
We had Jason at DBX tech support on the phone while attempting to connect and he indicated that Vista with ethernet was a valid way to interface the unit. Let me clarify some information about our computer setups since it seems like some info is getting lost in translation.
1) Laptop #1 = Windows XP Pro SP3, RS-232 serial port, ethernet port, with Female to Female DB9 null modem cable and ethernet crossover cable ("A" convention on one end and "B" convention on the other), ZonePRO Designer versions 3.0 and 2.2.
2) Laptop #2 = Windows Vista SP2, ethernet port, with the same crossover cable, ZonePRO Designer versions 3.0 and 2.2.
When attempting to connect using RS-232, the "use Ethernet" box was left unchecked. When attempting to connect using ethernet, the "use serialports" box was left unchecked.
Only ZonePRO Designer v3.0 is compatible with Vista and Windows 7. Either ZonePRO Designer v2.2 or 3.0 will work on the XP machine however.
Here are the cable pinouts for null modem and crossover cables.
dbx Null Modem (female to female 9pin):
6--Not Connected--6
9--Not Connected--9
Crossover (RJ45):
568A End
1. White-Green
2. Green
3. White-Orange
4. Blue
5. White-Blue
6. Orange
7. White-Brown
8. Brown
568B End
1. White-Orange
2. Orange
3. White-Green
4. Blue
5. White-Blue
6. Green
7. White-Brown
8. Brown
Note: If a cable has 568A color wiring on one end and 568B color coded wiring on the other end, then it's a crossover cable.
You can find more info on the Ethernet cable wiring protocol here:
Please see the below videos for information on making a connection to ZonePRO products.
You can view all ZonePRO Training Modules at this link:
The version of firmware you have in that ZonePRO (v1.100) has some problems. After you do get connected, you will want to backup your program (please see the below link if you are not familiar with how to do this).
You will then want to update the firmware to the latest version (currently v1.110) which can be found here:
Please let me know if you still have problems.
At this point we are relegated to using ZonePRO Designer 2.2 because version 3.0 is not compatible with this firmware version (1.100), and we need connectivity in order to update the firmware. So, we will ascertain that we have the correct NUL modem cable and try connecting with the XP machine.
Because of the holidays, it may take a few days to report back any successes or failures. Thanks for supplying the requested information and thanks for everyone's attempts to help. Merry Christmas to all.
Win XP SP 3
RS-232 using DBX proprietary NUL modem cable
Designer software version 2.2
He was able to flash the firmware successfully and make required adjustments very quickly. We did discover that there are at least 3 separate pinouts for NUL modem cables. Our advice is to use the cable supplied with the DBX units to avoid the problems we encountered. Had we had a DBX cable from the outset this would have been a piece of cake.
Thanks to everyone for his or her input in helping us solve this issue. We gained a wealth of knowledge, however, and will pass it along as appropriate.
If you would like to put that into an article I will post it in the FAQ section... with credit of course.
I'd be glad to do a concise synopsis. What type of detail do you have in mind?
You mentioned "but I personally found an el-cheapo on New egg for $12 and it works fine...". Can you send a link to that cable, because I just ordered one (A Sabrent brand from Newegg) and it doesn't seem to work. Aside from this, all of the USB-Serial cables seem to have Male db9 ends, and the DR 260 requires a female. I also noticed a mention of the baud rate requirement being 38k, any other settings? Thanks!
You need to use a null modem cable between the USB to Serial adapter and the DriveRack. Also, you may have to verify the com port assignemnet of the adapter and set your communication port within DriveWare to match this.
Please see the below link to learn more.
http://www.dbxpro.com/Training_Modules/ ... Serial.php
Hope this helps.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... -_-Product
which is a null modem adapter. However, when I start driveware, it hangs. I'll verify settings, but I even connected the null modem cable that came with the unit, and that only works when I use it directly between the 260 and my old laptop. Since this 260 is being installed in a fixed installation, that's not really the setup I had in mind.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... -_-Product
or this one?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... -_-Product
What is is about them that makes some work and some not?
These are the ones we use:
http://www.usbgear.com/computer_cable_d ... 1009%2C601
http://www.tripplite.com/en/products/mo ... delID=3914
I heard this one works as well:
http://www.cablesunlimited.com/products ... code=I3595
This one is from the same manufacturer as the one above, but I'm not sure if it works, but it is highly probable that it will:
http://www.cablesunlimited.com/products ... code=I3274
Hope this helps.
Has anybody have a issue where the ZonePRO1260 just doesn't operate the Ethernet Port? Finished pulling programming from 1 and started another and found the ethernet port doesn't wanna even operate. I can't seem to find directions to enable the ethernet port on the front panel of the unit.