Noisy older DRPA?
I have been using a Driverack PA purchased new (software version 2.0) for about 2 years driving a Yorkville Unity system (6 piece rock band) and have found it "magical."
I recently purchased an older model DRPA from eBay (software version 1.0) to use with my solo rig and it seems to be "noisy," some RF interference (crackly noises). I've A-B'd my two units side by side and the older one is definitely noisier.
Anyone have any thoughts on this? Would upgrading the software of the older unit make any difference, or will that just give me more presets? The rest of my solo rig is a Mackie 1620, Yorkville AP-4040 power amp and Yorkville E-10 mains.
I recently purchased an older model DRPA from eBay (software version 1.0) to use with my solo rig and it seems to be "noisy," some RF interference (crackly noises). I've A-B'd my two units side by side and the older one is definitely noisier.
Anyone have any thoughts on this? Would upgrading the software of the older unit make any difference, or will that just give me more presets? The rest of my solo rig is a Mackie 1620, Yorkville AP-4040 power amp and Yorkville E-10 mains.
Nope... The software simply adds presets... and minimally useful ones at that...LET ME SAY THIS AGAIN ...the ONLY thing that IS "useful" is a bi-amp/tri-amp...etc setup. Fullrange tops and subs don't need a preset, just a crossover and perhaps an HPF for the sub...If you have the power (LOTS of it) you can go 70hz LR24. If not you can go 120hz LR24 or anywhere in between but generally the less power for the tops the higher the crossover...(and depending on the tops low frequency driver... if its 10-12" speakers you may need to take that into consideration as well. (smaller speaker front loaded cabs might not go as low as say a 15" top cab...)
As for thoughts? I do have some 8) ...the unit needs to be reset. Do a hard reset but be prepared top lose EVERYTHING :shock:
I suspect that may not solve the problem. I'd take the top off and see if the display ribbon cable is inserted fully, and a reset wouldn't be a bad idea either. If you can solder and are somewhat tech-savvy you might want to examine the solder connections especially on the input and output connectors solder joints..
Otherwise you need to send it in and have it looked at...
Get some contact cleaner or de-oxidizer and repeatedly plug and un-plug the connections repeatedly while wet. Pipe cleaners, and Q-tips can work well, also. Although it is "claimed" safe to spray when powered, I don't.