Active tops - passive subs... which driverack?
Hi, I'm switching from an all active system (Mackie 1530 tops / mackie 1501 subs to mackie 1530 tops and passive Behringer B1800x subs wEP4000 amp) to get more thump out of the drums/bass. What would be better for this situation, the driverack PA or the driverack PX?
Switching to what?
Ok, if that's your low end scheme then the driverack isn't going to give you what want...the Behringer subs are ... well NOT SUBS...and in my opinion neither Mackie or Blose.. er bose make a decent sub... sorry...
So, we need to know what you want... and what the plan, and budget are... if you want world domination... you need to give us a lot more info ...
We request ALL the system info for a reason... you have given us a limited equipment list, and no mixer... and no idea what the system is used for ... much less what QUANTITY of the things listed...
KNOW THIS ... dis-similar speaker types (like the "subs" you listed... Behringer/Mackie are TOTALLY non-compatible...and do NOT PLAY WELL TOGETHER!!!
Please let us know as much info what you want with as much detail as possible... criptic posts get cryptic answers...